Cybersecurity News
Proxyware Services Open Orgs to Abuse – Report

Flaw in the Quebec vaccine passport: analysis
ESET's cybersecurity expert Marc-Étienne Léveillé analyses in-depth the Quebec's vaccine proof apps VaxiCode and VaxiCode Verif.
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Faille dans la preuve vaccinale Québécoise : analyse
Les chercheurs d’ESET expliquent les détails d’une faille découverte dans VaxiCode Vérif, l’application mobile permettant la vérification des preuves vaccinales québécoise
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Back-to-Basics: Think Before You Click
As small and medium businesses begin to re-open following the pandemic, it’s important to do so securely in order to protect customer’s payment card data. Too often, data breaches happen as a result of vulnerabilities that are entirely preventable. The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has developed a set of payment protection resources for small businesses. In this 8-part back-to-basics series, we highlight payment security basics for protecting against payment data theft. Today’s blog focuses on thinking before you click.
Don’t use single‑factor authentication, warns CISA
The federal agency urges organizations to ditch the bad practice and instead use multi-factor authentication methods
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WooCommerce Pricing Plugin Allows Malicious Code-Injection

QNAP Is Latest to Get Dinged by OpenSSL Bugs Fallout

Top 3 APIs Vulnerabilities: Why Apps are Owned by Cyberattackers

Cyberattackers are now quietly selling off their victim's internet bandwidth
Proxyware is yet another way for criminals to generate revenue from their victims.Initial Access Broker use, stolen account sales spike in cloud service cyberattacks
Current trends also include the abuse of Docker images.LockFile Ransomware Uses Never-Before Seen Encryption to Avoid Detection

Vaccine passports: Is your personal data in safe hands?
Vaccination passports may facilitate the return to normalcy, but there are also concerns about what kinds of personal data they collect and how well they protect it. Here’s what you should know.
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HPE Warns Sudo Bug Gives Attackers Root Privileges to Aruba Platform

Army Testing Facial Recognition in Child-Care Centers

The Underground Economy: Recon, Weaponization & Delivery for Account Takeovers

Microsoft Exchange ‘ProxyToken’ Bug Allows Email Snooping

LockBit Gang to Publish 103GB of Bangkok Air Customer Data

T-Mobile’s Security Is ‘Awful,’ Says Purported Thief

Parallels Offers ‘Inconvenient’ Fix for High-Severity Bug

Experts: WH Cybersecurity Summit Should Be Followed by Regulation, Enforcement