Cybersecurity News

SwiftSlicer: New destructive wiper malware strikes Ukraine

Sandworm continues to conduct attacks against carefully chosen targets in the war-torn country

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27 January 2023

Why your data is more valuable than you may realize

The data trail you leave behind whenever you're online is bigger – and more revealing – than you may think

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26 January 2023

Experian Glitch Exposing Credit Files Lasted 47 Days

On Dec. 23, 2022, KrebsOnSecurity alerted big-three consumer credit reporting bureau Experian that identity thieves had worked out how to bypass its security and access any consumer's full credit report -- armed with nothing more than a person's name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number. Experian fixed the glitch, but remained silent about the incident for a month. This week, however, Experian acknowledged that the security failure persisted for nearly seven weeks, between Nov. 9, 2022 and Dec. 26, 2022.
25 January 2023

Mastodon vs. Twitter: Know the differences

Looking for an alternative to Twitter and thinking about joining the folks flocking to Mastodon? Here’s how the two platforms compare to each other.

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25 January 2023

Administrator of RSOCKS Proxy Botnet Pleads Guilty

Denis Emelyantsev, a 36-year-old Russian man accused of running a massive botnet called RSOCKS that stitched malware into millions of devices worldwide, pleaded guilty to two counts of computer crime violations in a California courtroom this week. The plea comes just months after Emelyantsev was extradited from Bulgaria, where he told investigators, “America is looking for me because I have enormous information and they need it.”
24 January 2023

5 valuable skills your children can learn by playing video games

Gaming can help your children build and sharpen a range of life skills that will stand them in good stead in the future

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24 January 2023

Access Hours of Payment Security Industry Insights


The PCI SSC Global Content Library is now available! The PCI SSC Global Content Library is home to hours of video content from our Global Community Events, covering topics on industry trends, strategies on best practices, and solutions for anyone within the payment ecosystem. Learn directly from Council executives and industry experts as they share their knowledge with you!

23 January 2023

Hybrid play: Leveling the playing field in online video gaming and beyond

Does VALORANT’s approach to cheating signal a turning point in how we deal with the continued hacks afflicting our hybrid world of work and play?

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23 January 2023

Ransomware payments down 40% in 2022 – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Ransomware revenue plunges to $456 million in 2022 as more victims refuse to pay up. Here's what to make of the trend.

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20 January 2023

New T-Mobile Breach Affects 37 Million Accounts

T-Mobile today disclosed a data breach affecting tens of millions of customer accounts, its second major data exposure in as many years. In a filing with federal regulators, T-Mobile said an investigation determined that someone abused its systems to harvest subscriber data tied to approximately 37 million current customer accounts.
19 January 2023

Tech support scammers are still at it: Here’s what to look out for in 2023

Hello, is it me you’re looking for? Fraudsters still want to help you fix a computer problem you never had in the first place.

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19 January 2023

Australia to consider European-style right to be forgotten privacy laws

Australia to consider European-style right to be forgotten privacy laws

Attorney general promises ‘whole range’ of modernisations of the Privacy Act to follow new customer data protection laws

The right to be forgotten and a right to sue for privacy breaches will be considered for the next tranche of Australian legislation, the attorney general has said.

Mark Dreyfus made the comments on Monday, promising to consider European-style privacy reforms after his bill increasing penalties for companies that fail to protect customer data passed in 2022.

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18 January 2023

Thinking of Hiring or Running a Booter Service? Think Again.

Most people who operate DDoS-for-hire services attempt to hide their true identities and location. Proprietors of these so-called “booter” or “stresser” services — designed to knock websites and users offline — have long operated in a legally murky area of cybercrime law. But until recently, their biggest concern wasn’t avoiding capture or shutdown by the feds: It was minimizing harassment from unhappy customers or victims, and insulating themselves against incessant attacks from competing DDoS-for-hire services. And then there are booter store operators like John Dobbs, a 32-year-old computer science graduate student living in Honolulu, Hawaii. For at least a decade until late last year, Dobbs openly operated IPStresser[.]com, a popular and powerful attack-for-hire service that he registered with the state of Hawaii using his real name and address. Likewise, the domain was registered in Dobbs’s name and hometown in Pennsylvania. The only work experience Dobbs listed on his resume was as a freelance developer from 2013 to the present day. Dobbs’s resume doesn’t name his booter service, but in it he brags about maintaining websites with half a million page views daily, and “designing server deployments for performance, high-availability and security.” In December 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice seized Dobbs’s IPStresser website and charged him with one count of aiding and abetting computer intrusions. Prosecutors say his service attracted more than two million registered users, and was responsible for launching a staggering 30 million distinct DDoS attacks.
17 January 2023

Paving the Way: Inspiring Women in Payments - A Q&A featuring Susanne Faustini


Building meaningful relationships with her customers is one of Susanne Faustini’s proudest accomplishments. And, as Susanne explains, relationship-building through networking is foundational to success, particularly for women who are interested in pursuing a career in payments or technology. In this edition of our blog, Susanne credits her longevity at Mastercard to those important relationships and to the various opportunities and programs for women that her company offers to ensure her success.

17 January 2023

Top 10 Venmo scams – and how to stay safe

Don’t be the next victim – here's what to know about some of the most common tricks that scammers use on the payment app

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17 January 2023

Hybrid commerce: Blurring the lines between business and pleasure

It is now acceptable to find a job on a dating app!

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16 January 2023

Hacked! My Twitter user data is out on the dark web -- now what?

Your Twitter user data may now be out there too, including your phone number. Here's how to check and what you can do about it.
13 January 2023

APT group trojanizes Telegram app – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

StrongPity's backdoor is fitted with various spying features and can record phone calls, collect texts, and gather call logs and contact lists

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13 January 2023

Introducing IPyIDA: A Python plugin for your reverse‑engineering toolkit

ESET Research announces IPyIDA 2.0, a Python plugin integrating IPython and Jupyter Notebook into IDA

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12 January 2023

Now you can legally repair your tech – sort of

A new law portends a future where (we hope) it will be easier for us all to repair, fix, upgrade, and just tinker with things we already own

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11 January 2023