Cybersecurity News

Cisco Fixes High-Severity Flaws In Firepower Security Software, ASA

Cisco Fixes High-Severity Flaws In Firepower Security Software, ASA Cisco has fixed 12 high-severity flaws in its Adaptive Security Appliance software and Firepower Threat Defense software.
07 May 2020

Now More Than Ever? Securing the Software Life Cycle

The more things change, the more they stay the same. That's true for software security, even in these turbulent times.
07 May 2020

Zoom Beefs Up End-to-End Encryption to Thwart ‘Zoombombers’

Zoom Beefs Up End-to-End Encryption to Thwart ‘Zoombombers’ As the company continues to battle security woes, it has acquired Keybase to boost security and privacy. A full cryptographic draft architecture will be available on May 22.
07 May 2020

Zoom Acquires Keybase, Plans for End-to-End Encrypted Chats

The company's first acquisition to date is part of a 90-day plan to improve security in its video communications platform.
07 May 2020

Tech Support Scam Uses Child Porn Warning

A new email scam is making the rounds, warning recipients that someone using their Internet address has been caught viewing child pornography. The message claims to have been sent from Microsoft Support, and says the recipient's Windows license will be suspended unless they call an "MS Support" number to reinstate the license, but the number goes to a phony tech support scam that tries to trick callers into giving fraudsters direct access to their PCs.
07 May 2020

Threat-Modeling Basics Using MITRE ATT&CK

When risk managers consider the role ATT&CK plays in the classic risk equation, they have to understand the role of threat modeling in building a complete risk scenario.
07 May 2020

Cybersecurity Home School: Garfield Teaches Security

Cybersecurity Home School: Garfield Teaches Security The famous cartoon cat can help kids ages 6 to 11 learn to be more secure when they're online.
07 May 2020

Pandemic Could Accelerate Passwordless Authentication

As we celebrate another World Password Day, security pros are hopeful that when we move out of the stay-at-home period, companies will continue to focus on digital technologies - and ditching passwords.
07 May 2020

Hackers Dumpster Dive for Taxpayer Data in COVID-19 Relief Money Scams

Hackers Dumpster Dive for Taxpayer Data in COVID-19 Relief Money Scams Threat actors are buying and selling taxpayer data on hacker forums as well as using phishing and other campaigns to steal various U.S. government payouts.
07 May 2020

Digital transformation could be accelerated by COVID‑19

The pandemic has highlighted the need for businesses to act with alacrity and prepare for the long haul – and to do so with cybersecurity in mind

The post Digital transformation could be accelerated by COVID‑19 appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

07 May 2020

7 Ways Parents Can Better Protect Their Online-Gamer Offspring

7 Ways Parents Can Better Protect Their Online-Gamer Offspring It's 11 a.m. Are your kids locked in their rooms playing games online?
07 May 2020

Major European private hospital operator struck by ransomware

Fresenius says despite IT system disruption, patient care is carrying on as normal.
07 May 2020

Naikon APT Hid Five-Year Espionage Attack Under Radar

Naikon APT Hid Five-Year Espionage Attack Under Radar The Chinese APT has been discovered behind a five-year espionage campaign that compromises government servers - and uses that as leverage for other attacks.
07 May 2020

5 common password mistakes you should avoid

Password recycling or using easy-to-guess passwords are just two common mistakes you may be making when protecting your digital accounts

The post 5 common password mistakes you should avoid appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

07 May 2020

For 8 years, a hacker operated a massive IoT botnet just to download Anime videos

The botnet consisted solely of D-Link NAS and NVR devices and the botnet peaked at 10,000 bots in 2015.
07 May 2020

Maze Ransomware Operators Step Up Their Game

Investigations show Maze ransomware operators leave "nothing to chance" when putting pressure on victims to pay.
06 May 2020

Attacks on WordPress Sites Surge

Defiant says it observed a 30-fold increase in attacks in just the past few days.
06 May 2020

Lazarus Group Hides macOS Spyware in 2FA Application

Lazarus Group Hides macOS Spyware in 2FA Application The Dacls RAT has been ported from an existing Linux version.
06 May 2020

What is an 'Endpoint'?

What is an 'Endpoint'? Some companies' endpoint security strategies may now cover an ever-widening array of devices, as Dark Reading's latest State of Endpoint Security survey discovered.
06 May 2020

Financial Phishing Attacks Take Off, Malware Declines

In the past year, the number of digital threats increased by nearly half as phishing swamped malware to become the most dominant attack technique.
06 May 2020