Cybersecurity News

Global Predictions for Energy Cyber Resilience in 2020

How prepared is the energy sector for an escalating attack surface in the operating technology environment? Here are five trends to watch.
14 January 2020

Microsoft fixes Windows crypto bug reported by the NSA

Fixes were released today part of the Microsoft's January 2020 Patch Tuesday.
14 January 2020

Public Bug Bounty Takes Aim at Kubernetes Container Project

Public Bug Bounty Takes Aim at Kubernetes Container Project The cloud-focused program will pay out $10,000 as its top reward.
14 January 2020

Google to phase out user-agent strings in Chrome

Chrome will move to a new technology called Client Hints, part of the newer Privacy Sandbox project.
14 January 2020

Millions of modems at risk of remote hijacking

Multiple cable modem models from various manufacturers found vulnerable to takeover attacks

The post Millions of modems at risk of remote hijacking appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

14 January 2020

Millions of modems at risk of remote hijacking

Multiple cable modem models from various manufacturers found vulnerable to takeover attacks

The post Millions of modems at risk of remote hijacking appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

14 January 2020

Adobe Patches Five Critical Illustrator CC Flaws

Adobe Patches Five Critical Illustrator CC Flaws Overall Adobe patched nine flaws in Illustrator CC and Experience Manager.
14 January 2020

Consumer Reports Calls for IoT Manufacturers to Raise Security Standards

A letter to 25 companies says Consumer Reports will change ratings to reflect stronger security and privacy standards.
14 January 2020

Dustman Attack Underscores Iran's Cyber Capabilities

For nearly six months, an attack group linked to Iran reportedly had access to the network of Bahrain's national oil company, Bapco, before it executed a destructive payload.
14 January 2020

Processor Vulnerabilities Put Virtual Workloads at Risk

Meltdown, Spectre exploits will likely lead to customers making tradeoffs between performance and security of applications, especially virtual and cloud-based apps
14 January 2020

Processor Vulnerabilites Put Virtual Workloads at Risk

Meltdown, Spectre exploits will likely lead to customers making tradeoffs between performance and security of applications, especially virtual and cloud-based apps
14 January 2020

Industrial Control System Features at Risk

How some ICS product functions can be weaponized by altering their configurations.
14 January 2020

How to Keep Security on Life Support After Software End-of-Life

How to Keep Security on Life Support After Software End-of-Life It's the end of support this week for Windows 7 and Server 2008. But what if you truly can't migrate off software, even after security updates stop coming?
14 January 2020

Apple Denies FBI Request to Unlock Shooter’s iPhone—Again

Apple Denies FBI Request to Unlock Shooter’s iPhone—Again Refusal to unlock the phones of a Florida shooter could set up another legal battle between Apple and the Feds over data privacy in the case of criminal investigations.
14 January 2020

Russia responsible for hacking gas firm tied to Trump impeachment: report

The cyberattack bears similar hallmarks to the 2016 DNC hack.
14 January 2020

49 million user records from US data broker LimeLeads put up for sale online

Data from an exposed LimeLeads Elasticsearch server ends up on a hacking forum.
14 January 2020

This Trojan hijacks your smartphone to send offensive text messages

The feature is certainly one way to advertise a malware infection.
14 January 2020

Windows 7 end of life: Time to move on

Today, Microsoft is officially pulling the plug on its support for Windows 7. What’s your plan?

The post Windows 7 end of life: Time to move on appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

14 January 2020

Windows 7 end of life: Time to move on

Today, Microsoft is officially pulling the plug on its support for Windows 7. What’s your plan?

The post Windows 7 end of life: Time to move on appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

14 January 2020

Smart Home Devices

Now adays most of us have numerous devices in our homes connect to the Internet. From thermostats and gaming consoles to baby monitors, door locks or even your car. Ensure you change the default passwords on these devices and enable automatic updating.
14 January 2020