Cybersecurity News

Phishing Attack Skirts Detection With YouTube

Phishing Attack Skirts Detection With YouTube Attackers are using YouTube redirect links, whitelisted by various security defense mechanisms, to evade detection.
11 March 2020

I Want to Work in Industrial IoT Security. What Lingo Do I Need to Know?

I Want to Work in Industrial IoT Security. What Lingo Do I Need to Know? Should you happen to be in a meeting with an ICS vendor, here are some terms you will need to know so as to not be laughed out of the room.
11 March 2020

How the Rise of IoT Is Changing the CISO Role

Prepare for the future by adopting a risk-based approach. Following these five steps can help.
11 March 2020

Gender Equality in Cybersecurity Could Drive Economic Boost

If the number of women in cybersecurity equaled the number of men, the US would see an economic gain up to $30.4 billion, research shows.
11 March 2020

Dutch government loses hard drives with data of 6.9 million registered donors

External hard drives stored all donor data from February 1998 to June 2010.
11 March 2020

Wormable, Unpatched Microsoft Bug Threatens Corporate LANs

Wormable, Unpatched Microsoft Bug Threatens Corporate LANs CVE-2020-0796 affects version 3.1.1 of Microsoft’s SMB file-sharing system and was not included in Patch Tuesday.
11 March 2020

Blacklists Miss 21% of Phishing Attacks, Internet Traffic Reveals

Visibility into phishing attacks by content delivery networks and security firms shows many domains fail to be classified as malicious.
11 March 2020

New TrickBot Variant Updates Anti-Analysis Tricks

New TrickBot Variant Updates Anti-Analysis Tricks A new TrickBot variant shows that the malware is continuing to swap out new anti-analysis and persistence tactics.
11 March 2020

Why CSP Isn't Enough to Stop Magecart-Like Attacks

As Magecart and formjacking attacks become more sophisticated, it's essential to address not only what services may interact with users, but what that interaction looks like and how to control it.
11 March 2020

More Than Half of IoT Devices Vulnerable to Severe Attacks

More Than Half of IoT Devices Vulnerable to Severe Attacks A full 98 percent of all IoT device traffic is unencrypted, exposing personal and confidential data on the network.
11 March 2020

The Ultimate Security Budget Excel Template – The Easiest Way to Plan and Monitor Your Security Spending

The Ultimate Security Budget Excel Template – The Easiest Way to Plan and Monitor Your Security Spending The Ultimate Security Budget Plan & Track Excel template provides security executives with a clear and intuitive tool to keep track of planned vs. actual spend, ensuring that security needs are addressed while maintaining the budgetary frame.
11 March 2020

Why are governments so vulnerable to ransomware attacks?

Government systems paralyzed by malware cause chaos. New research explores why are attacks so frequently successful.
11 March 2020

Necurs Botnet in Crosshairs of Global Takedown Offensive

Necurs Botnet in Crosshairs of Global Takedown Offensive The tech giant will take control of the U.S.-based infrastructure used by the criminals behind the world’s most prolific botnet used to distribute malware and infect victim computers.
11 March 2020

Whisper, an anonymous secret-sharing app, failed to keep messages or profiles private

Millions of users’ private profiles and highly sensitive datasets were viewable online.
11 March 2020

University of Hertfordshire avoids data breach action by UK watchdog

The ICO is taking no further action despite student information being inappropriately shared.
11 March 2020

Black Hat Europe

ExCel London, UK
11 March 2020

Black Hat Asia

11 March 2020

Modern RAM used for computers, smartphones still vulnerable to Rowhammer attacks

Academics break TRR protections on RAM cards for new Rowhammer attacks.
10 March 2020

Microsoft Patch Tuesday, March 2020 Edition

Microsoft Corp. today released updates to plug more than 100 security holes in its various Windows operating systems and associated software. If you (ab)use Windows, please take a moment to read this post, backup your system(s), and patch your PCs.
10 March 2020

Microsoft March 2020 Patch Tuesday fixes 115 vulnerabilities

The March 2020 Patch Tuesday is the largest Patch Tuesday release in Microsoft's history.
10 March 2020