Cybersecurity News

You can now use an iPhone as a security key for Google accounts

All iPhones running iOS 10 or later can now be used as hardware security keys for Google accounts.
15 January 2020

Critical bugs in WordPress plugins InfiniteWP, WP Time Capsule expose 320,000 websites to attack

If you use these plugins you should update immediately as firewall protection will not work.
15 January 2020

Adobe’s first 2020 security patch update fixes code execution vulnerabilities

This month’s security round is small but resolves some important bugs.
15 January 2020

Go With Passphrases

Passphrases are the strongest type of passwords and the easiest to remember. Simply use an entire sentence for your password, such as "What time is coffee?" By using spaces and punctuation, you create a long password that is hard to guess but easy to remember.
15 January 2020

Patch Tuesday, January 2020 Edition

Microsoft today released updates to plug 50 security holes in various flavors of Windows and related software. The patch batch includes a fix for a flaw in Windows 10 and server equivalents of this operating system that prompted an unprecedented public warning from the U.S. National Security Agency. This month also marks the end of mainstream support for Windows 7, a still broadly-used operating system that will no longer be supplied with security updates.
14 January 2020

Oracle Ties Previous All-Time Patch High with January Updates

Oracle Ties Previous All-Time Patch High with January Updates The software giant patched 300+ bugs in its quarterly update.
14 January 2020

Microsoft Patches Windows Vuln Discovered by the NSA

The National Security Agency is publicly acknowledged for its finding and reporting of CVE-2020-0601, marking the start of what it says is a new approach to security.
14 January 2020

Cloud Adoption & Technology Change Create Gaps in Enterprise Security

Many companies are struggling to get a handle on risk exposure because of visibility issues, Radware survey shows.
14 January 2020

Microsoft patches severe Windows flaw after tip‑off from NSA

The US intelligence agency expects attackers to waste no time in developing tools aimed at exploiting the vulnerability

The post Microsoft patches severe Windows flaw after tip‑off from NSA appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

14 January 2020

Microsoft patches severe Windows flaw after tip‑off from NSA

The US intelligence agency expects attackers to waste no time in developing tools aimed at exploiting the vulnerability

The post Microsoft patches severe Windows flaw after tip‑off from NSA appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

14 January 2020

Intel Fixes High-Severity Flaw in Performance Analysis Tool

Intel Fixes High-Severity Flaw in Performance Analysis Tool The flaw, in Intel VTune Profiler, could enable privilege escalation.
14 January 2020

Microsoft January 2020 Patch Tuesday fixes 49 security bugs

Today's patches also fix a major vulnerability in Windows' cryptographic library.
14 January 2020

Card Skimmer Hits Australian Bushfire Donation Site

Card Skimmer Hits Australian Bushfire Donation Site Magecart groups using automated infection scans infected the site, which was running outdated Magento software.
14 January 2020

Microsoft Patches Major Crypto Spoofing Bug

Microsoft Patches Major Crypto Spoofing Bug January Patch Tuesday tackles 50 bugs, with eight rated critical, all as it pushes out its last regular Windows 7 patches.
14 January 2020

'Fancy Bear' Targets Ukrainian Oil Firm Burisma in Phishing Attack

The oil & gas company is at the heart of the ongoing US presidential impeachment case.
14 January 2020

Google: Chrome Will Remove Third-Party Cookies and Tracking

It's "not about blocking" but removing them altogether, the company said.
14 January 2020

Phishing Attack in Progress Against Ukrainian Oil Firm Burisma

The oil & gas company is at the heart of the ongoing US presidential impeachment process.
14 January 2020

Attackers Increasingly Focus on Business Disruption

Network intruders are staying undetected for an average of 95 days, enabling them to target critical systems and more completely disrupt business.
14 January 2020

Google to Nix Chrome Support for Third-Party Cookies by 2022

Google to Nix Chrome Support for Third-Party Cookies by 2022 Google says it has a two-year timeline for phasing out support for third-party cookies in its Chrome web browser.
14 January 2020

Microsoft rolls out Windows 10 security fix after NSA warning

Microsoft rolls out Windows 10 security fix after NSA warning

US agency revealed flaw that could be exploited by hackers to create malicious software

Microsoft is rolling out a security fix to Windows 10 after the US National Security Agency (NSA) warned the popular operating system contained a highly dangerous flaw that could be used by hackers.

The NSA revealed during a press conference on Tuesday that the “serious vulnerability” could be used to create malicious software that appeared to be legitimate.

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14 January 2020