Cybersecurity News

With International Tensions Flaring, Cyber Risk is Heating Up for All Businesses

With International Tensions Flaring, Cyber Risk is Heating Up for All Businesses Risks of nation-state attacks go beyond Iran, and the need for awareness and security don't stop at any national border.
16 January 2020

New Attack Campaigns Suggest Emotet Threat Is Far From Over

Malware described by the DHS as among the worst ever continues to evolve and grow, researchers from Cisco Talos, Cofense, and Check Point Software say.
16 January 2020

Critical Cisco Flaws Now Have PoC Exploit

Critical Cisco Flaws Now Have PoC Exploit The flaws affect a key tool for managing its network platform and switches.
16 January 2020

Google Account Security Keys Launch for iPhone

Google Account Security Keys Launch for iPhone iPhone users can now use Bluetooth to secure their Google accounts.
16 January 2020

FBI: Nation-state actors have breached two US municipalities

The SharePoint CVE-2019-0604 vulnerability has been one of the most targeted security flaw
16 January 2020

Phishing Today, Deepfakes Tomorrow: Training Employees to Spot This Emerging Threat

Cybercriminals are evolving their tactics, and the security community anticipates voice and video fraud to play a role in one of the next big data breaches -- so start protecting your business now.
16 January 2020

Satan Ransomware Reborn to Torment Businesses

Satan Ransomware Reborn to Torment Businesses A hellish mix of features shows the 5ss5c ransomware to be the son of Satan.
16 January 2020

You can now turn your iPhone into a Google security key

And it doesn’t require much more than downloading a dedicated app

The post You can now turn your iPhone into a Google security key appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

16 January 2020

You can now turn your iPhone into a Google security key

And it doesn’t require much more than downloading a dedicated app

The post You can now turn your iPhone into a Google security key appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

16 January 2020

CISO Resigns From Pete Buttigieg Presidential Campaign

The only Democratic campaign known to have a CISO loses Mick Baccio due to a "fundamental philosophical difference with campaign management."
16 January 2020

NY Fed Reveals Implications of Cyberattack on US Financial System

A "pre-mortem analysis" sheds light on the potential destruction of a cyberattack against major US banks.
16 January 2020

PoC Exploits Published For Microsoft Crypto Bug

PoC Exploits Published For Microsoft Crypto Bug Two proof-of-concept exploits were publicly released for the major Microsoft crypto-spoofing vulnerability.
16 January 2020

Active Directory Needs an Update: Here's Why

AD is still the single point of authentication for most companies that use Windows. But it has some shortcomings that should be addressed.
16 January 2020

‘Fleeceware’ Apps Downloaded 600M Times from Google Play

‘Fleeceware’ Apps Downloaded 600M Times from Google Play New research shows apps that dupe users into being charged excessively with little reward persist on the Android app store.
16 January 2020

Cyberawareness in Australia: The good and the bad

An ESET-commissioned survey sheds light on the browsing habits of Australians and how they protect themselves online

The post Cyberawareness in Australia: The good and the bad appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

16 January 2020

Cyberawareness in Australia: The good and the bad

An ESET-commissioned survey sheds light on the browsing habits of Australians and how they protect themselves online

The post Cyberawareness in Australia: The good and the bad appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

16 January 2020

Israeli spyware firm fails to get hacking case dismissed

Israeli spyware firm fails to get hacking case dismissed

Judge orders NSO Group to fight case brought by Saudi activist and pay his legal costs

An Israeli judge has rejected an attempt by the spyware firm NSO Group to dismiss a case brought against it by a prominent Saudi activist who alleged that the company’s cyberweapons were used to hack his phone.

The decision could add pressure on the company, which faces multiple accusations that it sold surveillance technology, named Pegasus, to authoritarian regimes and other governments that have allegedly used it to target political activists and journalists.

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16 January 2020

Proof-of-concept exploits published for the Microsoft-NSA crypto bug

Two proof-of-concept exploits published for the CurveBall (CVE-2020-0601) vulnerability.
16 January 2020

I’m still on Windows 7 – what should I do?

I’m still on Windows 7 – what should I do?

Support for Windows 7 has ended, leaving Marcy wondering how they can protect themselves

I do a lot of work on a Windows 7 desktop PC that is about five years old. I’m a widow and can’t afford to run out and get a new PC at this time, or pay for Windows 10. If I do stay with Windows 7, what should I worry about, and how can I protect myself? I have been running Kaspersky Total Security for several years, which has worked well so far. Marcy

Microsoft Windows 7 – launched in 2009 – came to the end of its supported life on Tuesday. Despite Microsoft’s repeated warnings to Windows 7 users, there may still be a couple of hundred million users, many of them in businesses. What should people do next?

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16 January 2020

What is Malware

Malware is software--a computer program--used to perform malicious actions. In fact, the term malware is a combination of the words malicious and software. Cyber criminals install malware on your computers or devices to gain control over them or gain access to what they contain. Once installed, these attackers can use malware to spy on your online activities, steal your passwords and files, or use your system to attack others.
16 January 2020