Cybersecurity News

Why DPOs and CISOs Must Work Closely Together

Recent data protection laws mean that the data protection officer and CISO must work in tandem to make sure users' data is protected.
22 January 2020

Configuration Error Reveals 250 Million Microsoft Support Records

Some the records, found on five identically configured servers, might have contained data in clear text.
22 January 2020

'We Only Have Two of the Blinky Boxes Left to Go'

Exactly who is king of the castle here?
22 January 2020

Startup Privafy Raises $22M with New Approach to Network Security

The company today disclosed an approach to data security designed to protect against modern threats at a lower cost than complex network tools.
22 January 2020

sLoad Malware Revamped as Powerful ‘StarsLord’ Loader

sLoad Malware Revamped as Powerful ‘StarsLord’ Loader The newest version of the sLoad malware dropper comes equipped with infection tracking capabilities and an anti-analysis trick.
22 January 2020

Dating apps share personal data with advertisers, study says

Some of the most popular dating services may be violating GDPR or other privacy laws

The post Dating apps share personal data with advertisers, study says appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

22 January 2020

Dating apps share personal data with advertisers, study says

Some of the most popular dating services may be violating GDPR or other privacy laws

The post Dating apps share personal data with advertisers, study says appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

22 January 2020

Microsoft Leaves 250M Customer Service Records Open to the Web

Microsoft Leaves 250M Customer Service Records Open to the Web The trove of information is potentially a scammer's bonanza.
22 January 2020

Cybersecurity Lessons Learned from 'The Rise of Skywalker'

They're especially relevant regarding several issues we face now, including biometrics, secure data management, and human error with passwords.
22 January 2020

Microsoft to forcibly install Bing search extension in Chrome for Office 365 ProPlus users

Microsoft will change the default search engine in Chrome from Google to Bing for its Office 365 ProPlus customers starting mid-February.
22 January 2020

Coalition acquires IoT search engine BinaryEdge

US cyber-insurer Coalition buys BinaryEdge for undisclosed sum to boost its cyber insurance policy offering.
22 January 2020

Microsoft discloses security breach of customer support database

Five servers storing customer support analytics were accidentally exposed online in December 2019.
22 January 2020

New Muhstik Botnet Attacks Target Tomato Routers

New Muhstik Botnet Attacks Target Tomato Routers Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 researchers observed a variant of the wormlike botnet that adds scanner technology to brute-force Web authentication.
22 January 2020

Data leak strikes US cannabis users, sensitive information exposed

A database backing point-of-sale systems used in medical and recreational marijuana dispensaries has been compromised.
22 January 2020

ProtonVPN apps handed to open source community in transparency push

The code backing ProtonVPN apps on all platforms can now be examined at leisure.
22 January 2020

PoC Exploits Do More Good Than Harm: Threatpost Poll

PoC Exploits Do More Good Than Harm: Threatpost Poll More than half of security experts think that the good outweighs the bad when it comes to proof-of-concept exploits, according to a recent Threatpost poll.
22 January 2020

In enterprise attack wave, NetWire Trojan now buries itself in disk image files

Enterprise companies are being targeted by a business email scam harnessing the Trojan.
22 January 2020

German government to pay €800,000 in Windows 7 ESU fees this year

The sum represents ESU fees for over 33,000 government workstations that are still running Windows 7, allowing German government systems to receive security updates for one more year.
22 January 2020

16Shop Phishing Gang Goes After PayPal Users

16Shop Phishing Gang Goes After PayPal Users A sophisticated malware-as-a-service phishing kit includes full customer service and anti-detection technologies.
21 January 2020

Microsoft, DHS Warn of Zero-Day Attack Targeting IE Users

Software firm is "aware of limited targeted attacks" exploiting a scripting issue vulnerability in Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11 that previously has not been disclosed.
21 January 2020