Cybersecurity News

Class-action lawsuit filed against controversial Clearview AI startup

Plaintiffs claim New York startup broke Illinois privacy laws regarding the use of residents' biometrics data.
24 January 2020

Does Your Domain Have a Registry Lock?

If you're running a business online, few things can be as disruptive or destructive to your brand as someone stealing your company's domain name and doing whatever they wish with it. Even so, most major Web site owners aren't taking full advantage of the security tools available to protect their domains from being hijacked. Here's the story of one recent victim who was doing almost everything possible to avoid such a situation and still had a key domain stolen by scammers.
24 January 2020

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Zero-day in Internet Explorer – Microsoft cloud leaked big – Dating apps accused of sharing user data with advertisers

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24 January 2020

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Zero-day in Internet Explorer – Microsoft cloud leaked big – Dating apps accused of sharing user data with advertisers

The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

24 January 2020

5 Resume Basics for a Budding Cybersecurity Career

You'll need to add resume tactician to your skill set in order to climb up the next rung on the security job ladder. Here's how.
24 January 2020

Online Employment Scams on the Rise, Says FBI

Looking to change jobs? Watch out for fraudsters who use legitimate job services, slick websites, and an interview process to convince applicants to part with sensitive personal details.
24 January 2020

Fake Smart Factory Honeypot Highlights New Attack Threats

Fake Smart Factory Honeypot Highlights New Attack Threats The honeypot demonstrates the various security concerns plaguing vulnerable industrial control systems.
24 January 2020

Hackers target unpatched Citrix servers to deploy ransomware

REvil ransomware gang has been spotted abusing Citrix bug to infect victims.
24 January 2020

Privacy worries cited as possible reason for DNA test firm 23andMe's sales downturn

It may be no surprise considering US law enforcement was recently granted permission to plunder DNA databases.
24 January 2020

Google: Flaws in Safari’s privacy tool could enable tracking

The browser's anti-tracking feature could apparently give access to users’ browsing habits

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24 January 2020

Google: Flaws in Apple’s privacy tool could enable tracking

Safari’s anti-tracking feature could apparently give access to users’ browsing habits

The post Google: Flaws in Apple’s privacy tool could enable tracking appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

24 January 2020

Citrix releases new patches to plug critical server vulnerability

Additional versions of Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway can now be protected against the severe security issue.
24 January 2020

Owner of stolen data marketplace Cardplanet pleads guilty

The trading post was a hotbed of stolen US credit card information.
24 January 2020

Dark Web

The Dark Web is a network of systems connected to the Internet designed to share information securely and anonymously. These capabilities are abused by cyber criminals to enable their activities, for example selling hacking tools or purchasing stolen information such as credit card data. Be aware that your information could be floating around the Dark Web, making it easier for cyber criminals to create custom attacks targeting you..
24 January 2020

The Annoying MacOS Threat That Won't Go Away

In two years, the adware-dropping Shlayer Trojan has spread to infect one in 10 MacOS systems, Kaspersky says.
23 January 2020

'CardPlanet' Operator Pleads Guilty in Federal Court

Russian national faced multiple charges in connection with operating the marketplace for stolen credit-card credentials, and a forum for VIP criminals to offer their services.
23 January 2020

New York state wants to ban government agencies from paying ransomware demands

Another NY Senate bill would create a cyber security enhancement fund and restricting the use of taxpayer moneys in paying ransoms
23 January 2020

DHS Warns of Increasing Emotet Risk

Emotet is considered one of the most damaging banking Trojans, primarily through its ability to carry other malware into an organization.
23 January 2020

NSA Offers Guidance on Mitigating Cloud Flaws

A new document separates cloud vulnerabilities into four classes and offers mitigations to help businesses protect cloud resources.
23 January 2020

Critical, Unpatched ‘MDhex’ Bugs Threaten Hospital Devices

Critical, Unpatched ‘MDhex’ Bugs Threaten Hospital Devices The Feds have warned on six vulnerabilities in GE medical equipment that could affect patient monitor alarms and more.
23 January 2020