Cybersecurity News

CCPA: Cut From the Same Cloth as PCI DSS

Finally, some good news about CCPA: If you've built your security infrastructure to PCI DSS standards, you may be already covered by California's new data protection rules
28 January 2020

Ring Doorbell App for Android Caught Sharing User Data with Facebook, Data-Miners

Ring Doorbell App for Android Caught Sharing User Data with Facebook, Data-Miners The Amazon-owned video doorbell uses third-party trackers to serve up rich data to marketers without meaningfully notifying users.
28 January 2020

2019 saw more cryptocurrency hacks than any other year

Hackers launched more attacks against cryptocurrency exchanges in 2019, but stole fewer funds.
28 January 2020

Hackers blitz social media accounts of 15 NFL teams

The league and scores of teams were caught off-guard by the re-emergence of an infamous hacking group

The post Hackers blitz social media accounts of 15 NFL teams appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

28 January 2020

Hackers blitz social media accounts of 15 NFL teams

The league and scores of teams were caught off-guard by the re-emergence of an infamous hacking group

The post Hackers blitz social media accounts of 15 NFL teams appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

28 January 2020

LoRaWAN Encryption Keys Easy to Crack, Jeopardizing Security of IoT Networks

LoRaWAN Encryption Keys Easy to Crack, Jeopardizing Security of IoT Networks New research from IOActive has found that “blindly” trusting the encryption of the widely adopted device protocol can lead to DDoS, sending of false data and other cyber attacks.
28 January 2020

LoRaWAN networks are spreading but security researchers say beware

IOActive security researchers say LoRaWAN networks are vulnerable to cyber-attacks despite boastful claims about the protocol's security features.
28 January 2020

New Zoom Bug Prompts Security Fix, Platform Changes

A newly discovered Zoom vulnerability would have enabled an attacker to join active meetings and access audio, video, and documents shared.
28 January 2020

Zoom Fixes Flaw Opening Meetings to Hackers

Zoom Fixes Flaw Opening Meetings to Hackers Zoom has patched a flaw that could have allowed attackers to guess a meeting ID and enter a meeting.
28 January 2020

How to take charge of your Google privacy settings

Have you had a Google Privacy Checkup lately? If not, when better than Data Privacy Day to audit the privacy of your Google account?

The post How to take charge of your Google privacy settings appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

28 January 2020

How to take charge of your Google privacy settings

Have you had a Google Privacy Checkup lately? If not, when better than international Data Privacy Day to audit the privacy of your Google account?

The post How to take charge of your Google privacy settings appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

28 January 2020

Ring app for Android full to the brim with third-party trackers: report

The EFF claims that the app is sending out vast amounts of customer PII.
28 January 2020

Boris Johnson gets final warning with Huawei 5G verdict imminent

Boris Johnson gets final warning with Huawei 5G verdict imminent

Former senior government figures voice security fears as PM chairs meeting of NSC

Former ministers have sounded their final warnings to Boris Johnson about the Chinese telecoms firm Huawei ahead of his expected decision on whether it will play a part in the UK’s 5G network.

The prime minister will chair a meeting of the national security council (NSC) later on Tuesday before making a judgment on the firm’s future in the country after months of concern around security, including from the US president, Donald Trump.

5G is the next generation mobile phone network and it promises much higher connection speeds, lower latency (response times) and to be more reliable than the creaking 4G networks we have now.

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28 January 2020

Practice Fusion to pay $145m for accepting pharma kickbacks in opioid prescription scam

Software was used to boost opioid prescriptions on behalf of pharmaceutical companies in a scheme deemed "abhorrent."
28 January 2020

The average ransom demand for a REvil ransomware infection is a whopping $260,000

Security researchers sinkhole the REvil ransomware servers and gain an insight into the operation of today's biggest ransomware gang.
28 January 2020

DEF CON China conference put on hold due to coronavirus outbreak

DEF CON team is hoping that the 2019-nCoV outbreak will improve and they can go on as planned, or reschedule.
27 January 2020

Average Ransomware Payments More Than Doubled in Q4 2019

Ransomware attackers collected an average of around $84,000 from victim organizations, up from $41,000 in Q3 of 2018, Coveware says.
27 January 2020

Google, Mozilla Ban Hundreds of Browser Extensions in Chrome, Firefox

Google, Mozilla Ban Hundreds of Browser Extensions in Chrome, Firefox After discovering a wide pattern of potentially malicious behavior in browser extensions, the two search giants are cracking down.
27 January 2020

Russian Brothers Sentenced to 12 Years for Fraud and Identity Theft

The pair, based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., were running a sophisticated credit card fraud factory.
27 January 2020

Hackers hijack Twitter accounts for Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers

OurMine hacking crew returns after two years of inactivity.
27 January 2020