Cybersecurity News

Coronavirus Phishing Attack Infects US, UK Inboxes

Cybercriminals capitalize on fears of a global health emergency with phishing emails claiming to offer advice for protecting against coronavirus.
03 February 2020

Only three of the Top 100 international airports pass basic security checks

Tests involved scanning public websites, mobile apps, and exposures of sensitive airport data on public code repositories and the dark web.
03 February 2020

Ashley Madison Breach Extortion Scam Targets Hundreds

Ashley Madison Breach Extortion Scam Targets Hundreds A new extortion attack has targeted hundreds of users affected by the Ashley Madison breach over the past week.
03 February 2020

How Device-Aware 2FA Can Defeat Social Engineering Attacks

While device-aware two-factor authentication is no panacea, it is more secure than conventional SMS-based 2FA. Here's why.
03 February 2020

Would you get hooked by a phishing scam? Test yourself

As the tide of phishing attacks rises, improving your scam-spotting skills is never a bad idea

The post Would you get hooked by a phishing scam? Test yourself appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

03 February 2020

Would you get hooked by a phishing scam? Test yourself

As the tide of phishing attacks rises, improving your scam-spotting skills is never a bad idea

The post Would you get hooked by a phishing scam? Test yourself appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

03 February 2020

Charges dropped against Coalfire security team who broke into courthouse during pen test

Miscommunication led to arrests during a midnight physical security test.
03 February 2020

TrickBot Switches to a New Windows 10 UAC Bypass to Evade Detection

TrickBot Switches to a New Windows 10 UAC Bypass to Evade Detection The tricky trojan evolves yet again, remaining one of the most advanced vehicles for delivering malware.
03 February 2020

ZeroHedge banned from Twitter over coronavirus bioweapon claims

The financial news website came under fire for doxxing a Chinese scientist accused of being behind the virus.
03 February 2020

Magecart group jumps from Olympic ticket website to new wave of e-commerce shops

Skimmer references were spotted on domains serving customers worldwide.
03 February 2020

Hackers are hijacking smart building access systems to launch DDoS attacks

More than 2,300 building access systems can be hijacked due to a severe vulnerability left without a fix.
02 February 2020

Raytheon engineer arrested for taking US missile defense data to China

FBI arrests former 10-year-old Raytheon electric engineer for taking classified info about US missile defense systems to China and then lying about it.
02 February 2020

Will we just accept our loss of privacy, or has the techlash already begun? | Alan Rusbridger

Will we just accept our loss of privacy, or has the techlash already begun? | Alan Rusbridger

Not so long ago we searched Google. Now we seem quite happy to let Google search us

Probably too late to ask, but was the past year the moment we lost our technological innocence? The Alexa in the corner of the kitchen monitoring your every word? The location-betraying device in your pocket? The dozen trackers on that web page you just opened? The thought that a 5G network could, in some hazily understood way, be hardwired back to Beijing? The spooky use of live facial recognition on CCTV cameras across London.

With privacy there have been so many landmarks in the past 12 months. The $5bn Federal Trade Commission fine on Facebook to settle the Cambridge Analytica scandal? The accidental exposure of a mind-blowing 1.2 billion people’s details from two data enrichment companies? Up to 50m medical records spilled?

We gleefully carry surveillance machines in our pockets and install them in our homes

Related: Cybercrime laws need urgent reform to protect UK, says report

Continue reading...
02 February 2020

Firefox now shows what telemetry data it's collecting about you

Users can no go to about:telemetry and see what Mozilla is collecting about their Firefox installs.
01 February 2020

Advanced Obfuscation Marks Widespread Info-Stealing Campaign

Advanced Obfuscation Marks Widespread Info-Stealing Campaign Agent Tesla and LokiBot are common payloads in the botnet-driven spam effort.
31 January 2020

Evil Corp Returns With New Malware Infection Tactic

Evil Corp Returns With New Malware Infection Tactic Researchers have observed the cybercrime group back in action, now using a new tactic for distributing malware.
31 January 2020

What It's Like to Be a CISO: Check Point Security Leader Weighs In

Jony Fischbein shares the concerns and practices that are top-of-mind in his daily work leading security at Check Point Software.
31 January 2020

'George' the Most Popular Password That's a Name

A new study of stolen passwords reflects the consequences of password overload.
31 January 2020

Iowa Prosecutors Drop Charges Against Men Hired to Test Their Security

On Sept. 11, 2019, two security experts at a company that had been hired by the state of Iowa to test the physical and network security of its judicial system were arrested while probing the security of an Iowa county courthouse, jailed in orange jumpsuits, charged with burglary, and held on $100,000 bail. On Thursday Jan. 30, prosecutors in Iowa announced they had dropped the criminal charges. The news came while KrebsOnSecurity was conducting a video interview with the two accused (featured below).
31 January 2020

Iranian Hackers Target U.S. Gov. Vendor With Malware

Iranian Hackers Target U.S. Gov. Vendor With Malware APT34 has been spotted in a malware campaign targeting customers and employees of a company that works closely with U.S. federal agencies, and state and local governments.
31 January 2020