Cybersecurity News

Teen takes down ISP with DDoS attacks to get info on one of its subscribers

Ukrainian teen arrested last month for taking down a local ISP with DDoS attacks.
04 February 2020

Electric scooters vulnerable to remote hacks

A helmet may not be enough to keep you safe(r) while riding an e-scooter

The post Electric scooters vulnerable to remote hacks appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

04 February 2020

Electric scooters vulnerable to remote hacks

A helmet may not be enough to keep you safe(r) while riding an e-scooter

The post Electric scooters vulnerable to remote hacks appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

04 February 2020

Twitter API Abused to Uncover User Identities

Twitter API Abused to Uncover User Identities State-sponsored actors may have been behind the social media abuse, said Twitter.
04 February 2020

UK AI advisors call for online platforms to become accountable for user content targeting

The advisory board says that online services should also allow researchers more scope to act on topics of public concern.
04 February 2020

Google software glitch sent some users' videos to strangers

Google software glitch sent some users' videos to strangers

Bug affected users of Google Takeout exporting from Google Photos in late November

Google has said a software bug resulted in some users’ personal videos being emailed to strangers.

The flaw affected users of Google Photos who requested to export their data in late November. For four days the export tool wrongly added videos to unrelated users’ archives.

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04 February 2020

HPE acquires zero-trust networking, security firm Scytale

The startup is made up of engineers from AWS, Google, Splunk, and other tech giants.
04 February 2020

Facebook privacy settings: Protect your data with these tips

As Facebook turns 16, we look at how to keep your personal information safe from prying eyes

The post Facebook privacy settings: Protect your data with these tips appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

04 February 2020

Facebook privacy settings: Protect your data with these tips

As Facebook turns 16, we look at how to keep your personal information safe from prying eyes

The post Facebook privacy settings: Protect your data with these tips appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

04 February 2020

Tesla and other autopilot-driven cars tricked with 2D projections

Car driving assistance systems and autopilots will need to be able to recognize 2D depthless objects going forward, similar to how facial recognition systems can distinguish between a real face and a photo.
04 February 2020

Google cuts Chrome 'patch gap' in half, from 33 to 15 days

Future plans include cutting the patch gap further, which might mean that Google will have to release Chrome security fixes on a weekly basis.
03 February 2020

Bad Certificate Knocks Teams Offline

Microsoft allowed a certificate to expire, knocking the Office 365 version of Teams offline for almost an entire day.
03 February 2020

Bad Certificate Knocks Teams Off Line

Microsoft allowed a certificate to expire, knocking the Office 365 version of Teams offline for almost an entire day.
03 February 2020

EKANS Ransomware Raises Industrial-Control Worries

Although the ransomware is unsophisticated, the malware does show that some crypto-attackers are targeting certain industrial control products.
03 February 2020

C-Level & Studying for the CISSP

C-Level & Studying for the CISSP One CTO tells us about his belated pursuit of a foundational infosecurity certification -- why he wanted it and what it took.
03 February 2020

Attackers Actively Targeting Flaw in Door-Access Controllers

There's been a sharp increase in scans for vulnerable Nortek Linear Emerge E3 systems, SonicWall says.
03 February 2020

Researchers Find 24 'Dangerous' Android Apps with 382M Installs

Shenzhen Hawk Internet Co. is identified as the parent company behind five app developers seeking excessive permissions in Android apps.
03 February 2020

Twitter says an attacker used its API to match usernames to phone numbers

The attack took place on Christmas Eve and came from IP addresses from Iran, Israel, and Malaysia.
03 February 2020

AZORult Campaign Adopts Novel Triple-Encryption Technique

AZORult Campaign Adopts Novel Triple-Encryption Technique Popular trojan is sneaking its way onto PCs via malspam campaign that uses three levels of encryption to sneak past cyber defenses.
03 February 2020

Tesla Autopilot Duped By ‘Phantom’ Images

Tesla Autopilot Duped By ‘Phantom’ Images Researchers were able to fool popular autopilot systems into perceiving projected images as real - causing the cars to brake or veer into oncoming traffic lanes.
03 February 2020