Cybersecurity News

What Your Company Needs to Know About Hardware Supply Chain Security

By establishing a process and framework, you can ensure you're not giving more advanced attackers carte blanche to your environment.
27 February 2020

IoT Insecurity: When Your Vacuum Turns on You

IoT Insecurity: When Your Vacuum Turns on You From vacuum cleaners to baby monitors, the IoT landscape continues to be plagued by concerning security issues that lead to privacy threats.
27 February 2020

RSA 2020 – Hacking humans

What the human battle against biological viruses can teach us about fighting computer infections – and vice versa

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27 February 2020

Cisco patches incoming to address Kr00k vulnerability impacting routers, firewall products

There are no workarounds for the Wi-Fi communications bug.
27 February 2020

US government authorities fail to train employees on ransomware detection, prevention

New research suggests that the majority of state and local governments are not rising to the challenge of mitigating ransomware threats.
27 February 2020

Did someone file your taxes before you?

With tax season – and tax scams – in full swing, here’s how fraudsters can steal your tax refund, and how you can avoid becoming a victim

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27 February 2020

Android malware can steal Google Authenticator 2FA codes

A new version of the "Cerberus" Android banking trojan will be able to steal one-time codes generated by the Google Authenticator app and bypass 2FA-protected accounts.
27 February 2020

'Cloud Snooper' Attack Circumvents AWS Firewall Controls

Possible nation-state supply chain attack acts like a "wolf in sheep's clothing," Sophos says.
27 February 2020

State of Cybersecurity Incident Response

State of Cybersecurity Incident Response Data breaches and regulations have forced organizations to pay closer attention to the security incident response function. However, security leaders may be overestimating their ability to detect and respond to security incidents. Read this report to find out more.
27 February 2020

Got Backups?

Eventually, we all have an accident or get hacked. And when we do, backups are often the only way to recover. Backups are cheap and easy; make sure you are backing up all of your personal information at home (such as family photos) on a regular basis.
27 February 2020

Billions of Devices Open to Wi-Fi Eavesdropping Attacks

Billions of Devices Open to Wi-Fi Eavesdropping Attacks The Kr00k bug arises from an all-zero encryption key in Wi-Fi chips that reveals communications from devices from Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung and others.
26 February 2020

RSAC 2020: Smart Baby Monitor Vulnerable to Remote Hackers

RSAC 2020: Smart Baby Monitor Vulnerable to Remote Hackers A popular baby monitor has been found riddled with vulnerabilities that give attackers full access to personal information and sensitive video footage.
26 February 2020

Tufin: How to Make Better Sense of the Cloud Security Equation

CEO Reuven Harrison examines how cloud services have changed how enterprises manage their apps and data, and also offers some tips for security pros tasked with managing either hybrid- or multi-cloud implementations. Harrison also takes on Kubernetes and container security in this News Desk interview.
26 February 2020

RSAC 2020: Lack of Machine Learning Laws Open Doors To Attacks

RSAC 2020: Lack of Machine Learning Laws Open Doors To Attacks When it comes to machine learning, research and cybercriminal activity is full speed ahead - but legal policy has not yet caught up.
26 February 2020

How Should I Answer a Nontech Exec Who Asks, 'How Secure Are We?'

Consider this your opportunity to educate.
26 February 2020

US State Dept. Shares Insider Tips to Fight Insider Threats

The insider threat is a technology, security, and personnel issue, officials said in explaining an approach that addresses all three factors.
26 February 2020

Six suspected drug dealers went free after police lost evidence in ransomware attack

Seventh incident of its kind when police investigations were impacted by a ransomware infection.
26 February 2020

Sophos Boosts Threat Hunting, Managed Detection and Response Capabilities

JJ Thompson, senior director of managed threat response for Sophos digs deep into how organizations can start to make sense of the seemingly unlimited data that's available from endpoints, cloud, and on-premises networks. And that's a critical capability as attacker behaviors start to change.
26 February 2020

Elastic Security Makes Case For Blending 'Human Element,' Election Security

Nate Fick, general manager of Elastic and former CEO of Endgame, talks about the impact of AI and machine learning on security professionals, and how what technologies can be tapped to improve security in the runup to November's election.
26 February 2020

How to Prevent an AWS Cloud Bucket Data Leak

How to Prevent an AWS Cloud Bucket Data Leak Misconfigured AWS buckets have led to huge data breaches. Following a handful of practices will help keep you from becoming the next news story.
26 February 2020