Cybersecurity News

Tesla, SpaceX Parts Manufacturer Suffers Data Breach

Visser Precision has confirmed a security incident likely caused by the data-stealing DoppelPaymer ransomware.
02 March 2020

TrickBot Adds ActiveX Control, Hides Dropper in Images

TrickBot Adds ActiveX Control, Hides Dropper in Images The tricky trojan has evolved again, to stay a step ahead of defenders.
02 March 2020

Walgreens Mobile App Leaks Prescription Data

Walgreens Mobile App Leaks Prescription Data A security error in the Walgreens mobile app may have leaked customers' full names, prescriptions and shipping addresses.
02 March 2020

Name That Toon: Holy Cow!

Name That Toon: Holy Cow! Feeling creative? Submit your caption in the comments, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
02 March 2020

RSA 2020 – Is your machine learning/quantum computer lying to you?

And how would you know if the algorithm was tampered with?

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02 March 2020

What Disney+ Can Teach Businesses About Customer Security

Businesses must prioritize customer protection by taking on some of the responsibility to prevent credential stuffing attacks through multipronged authentication and identity management.
02 March 2020

Brave deemed most private browser in terms of 'phoning home'

The new Microsoft Edge and the Yandex Browser deemed the most data greedy.
02 March 2020

UK Home Office breached GDPR 100 times through botched management of EU Settlement Scheme

ID cards sent to the wrong addresses, third party data disclosures, and lost passports are only some examples of mishandling.
02 March 2020

Swiss government submits criminal complaint over CIA Crypto spying scandal

US and German intelligence deliberately implemented backdoors in Crypto AG systems to eavesdrop on governments worldwide.
02 March 2020

China: new internet censorship rules raise fears of renewed crackdown

China: new internet censorship rules raise fears of renewed crackdown

Controls on the ‘online information content ecosystem’ bring heightened concern about freedom of speech

Sweeping new internet censorship rules have gone into effect in China, prompting concerns that authorities will further control information and online debate as the country reels from the coronavirus outbreak.

China’s cybersecurity administration has since Saturday implemented a set of new regulations on the governance of the “online information content ecosystem” that encourage “positive” content while barring material deemed “negative” or illegal.

Related: ‘They’re chasing me’: the journalist who wouldn’t stay quiet on Covid-19

Related: Dramatic fall in China pollution levels ‘partly related’ to coronavirus

Continue reading...
02 March 2020

Scamming You Through Social Media

You may be aware that cyber attacks will try to trick you over the phone or through email using phishing attacks, but do you realize they may try to attack you also over Social Media, such as through Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn? Just like in email, if you get any Social Media messages that are highly urgent or too good to be true, it may be an attack.
02 March 2020

Hackers are actively exploiting zero-days in several WordPress plugins

There's quite the WordPress p0wnage going on right now.
01 March 2020

Walgreens says mobile app leaked users' personal data

US pharmacy store says mobile app exposed names, prescription details, and shipping addresses.
01 March 2020

Meet the white-hat group fighting Emotet, the world's most dangerous malware

A private group of 20+ security researchers and system administrators have been waging a silent war against Emotet, today's most dangerous malware operation.
29 February 2020

FCC Proposes to Fine Wireless Carriers $200M for Selling Customer Location Data

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today proposed fines of more than $200 million against the nation's four largest wireless carriers for selling access to their customers' location information without taking adequate precautions to prevent unauthorized access to that data. While the fines would be among the largest the FCC has ever levied, critics say the penalties don't go far enough to deter wireless carriers from continuing to sell customer location data.
28 February 2020

New Trickbot Delivery Method Focuses on Windows 10

Researchers discover attackers abusing the latest version of the remote desktop ActiveX control class introduced for Windows 10.
28 February 2020

Bruce Schneier Proposes ‘Hacking Society’ for a Better Tomorrow

Bruce Schneier Proposes ‘Hacking Society’ for a Better Tomorrow The security industry has the perfect skillset and adversarial defense outlook to deal with some of the emerging societal issues in today's world, said security technologist Bruce Schneier.
28 February 2020

6 Truths About Disinformation Campaigns

6 Truths About Disinformation Campaigns Disinformation goes far beyond just influencing election outcomes. Here's what security pros need to know.
28 February 2020

Exploitation, Phishing Top Worries for Mobile Users

Reports find that mobile malware appears on the decline, but the exploitation of vulnerabilities along with phishing has led to a rise in compromises, experts say.
28 February 2020

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

ESET research uncovers a vulnerability in Wi-Fi chips – How to protect yourself against tax refund fraud – Clearview AI suffers a data breach

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28 February 2020