Cybersecurity News

Securing Your Remote Workforce: A Coronavirus Guide for Businesses

Often the hardest part in creating an effective awareness program is deciding what NOT to teach.
30 March 2020

Zeus Sphinx malware resurrects to abuse COVID-19 fears

Operators are exploiting the pandemic in the quest to steal your financial information.
30 March 2020

RDP and VPN use skyrocketed since coronavirus onset

RDP use is up by 41%, enterprise VPN use is up by 33%.
29 March 2020

Voter records for the entire country of Georgia published online

A file containing voter information for 4,934,863 Georgians has been published on a hacker forum over the weekend.
29 March 2020

Personal details for the entire country of Georgia published online

A file containing personal information for 4,934,863 Georgians has been published on a hacker forum over the weekend.
29 March 2020

Source code of Dharma ransomware pops up for sale on hacking forums

The source code of one of today's most profitable and advanced ransomware strains is up for sale on two Russian-language hacking forums.
29 March 2020

A mysterious hacker group is eavesdropping on corporate email and FTP traffic

Hacker group uses zero-day in DrayTek Vigor enterprise routers and VPN gateways to record network traffic.
27 March 2020

Network of fake QR code generators will steal your Bitcoin

Nine malicious QR code generator sites have stolen $46,000 from users so far.
27 March 2020

Malicious USB Drive Hides Behind Gift Card Lure

Victims are being enticed to insert an unknown USB drive into their computers.
27 March 2020

Virgin Media Could Pay GB pound 4.5B for Leak Affecting 900,000 Customers

A misconfigured database holding personal data was left available online between April 2019 and February 2020.
27 March 2020

The Wild, Wild West(world) of Cybersecurity

The Wild, Wild West(world) of Cybersecurity Though set in the future, HBO's "Westworld" works as an allegory for the present moment in cybersecurity.
27 March 2020

Purported Brute-Force Attack Aims at Linksys Routers as More People Work Remotely

The attack takes control of poorly secured network devices, redirecting Web addresses to a COVID-themed landing page that attempts to fool victims into downloading malware.
27 March 2020

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

What COVID-19 may mean for privacy rights – Managing supply-chain disruptions – Unpatched Windows zero-day under attack

The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

27 March 2020

Apple Unpatched VPN Bypass Bug Impacts iOS 13, Warn Researchers

Apple Unpatched VPN Bypass Bug Impacts iOS 13, Warn Researchers The vulnerability can be exploited to reveal limited traffic data including a device’s IP address.
27 March 2020

What happens when the global supply chain breaks?

If we can’t secure the supply chain, eventually everything else will break

The post What happens when the global supply chain breaks? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

27 March 2020

InfoSec News Signal Boost – March 27, 2020

By William Knowles @c4i Senior Editor InfoSec News March 27, 2020 As we try to get used to the new normal, InfoSec News understands many cyber and information security professionals (including myself) are looking for their new security forever homes. As I find these calls for security professionals, I’m hopeful this might be the catalyst for breaking […]
27 March 2020

Booz Allen analyzed 200+ Russian hacking operations to better understand their tactics

Booz Allen: Russia uses its GRU military hackers following predictable patterns based on a public military doctrine.
26 March 2020

Cyber Version of 'Justice League' Launches to Fight COVID-19 Related Hacks

Goal is to help organizations - especially healthcare entities - protect against cybercriminals trying to take advantage of the pandemic.
26 March 2020

Insurance Giant Chubb Might Be Ransomware Victim

A ransomware operator claims to have successfully attacked Chubb Insurance databases.
26 March 2020

How to Evict Attackers Living Off Your Land

How to Evict Attackers Living Off Your Land As cyber defenses improve, adversaries are shifting to stealthy "living-off-the-land" attacks that use targets' own tools against them. Here are some tips to defend your turf.
26 March 2020