Cybersecurity News

Malicious Google Web Extensions Harvest Cryptowallet Secrets

Malicious Google Web Extensions Harvest Cryptowallet Secrets Several fake browser extensions masqueraded as legitimate cryptocurrency utilities in a snowballing campaign.
15 April 2020

Taxpayers Targeted With Improved NetWire RAT Variant

Taxpayers Targeted With Improved NetWire RAT Variant Taxpayers are being targeted by a new NetWire RAT variant in a recent malspam campaign that makes use of an improved keylogger and an Excel 4.0 Macro.
15 April 2020

DHS Issues Alert for New North Korean Cybercrime

Cyber actors from North Korea's intelligence agencies are launching new attacks on financial targets, including hacks for hire on the open market.
15 April 2020

Slack's Incoming Webhooks Can Be Weaponized in Phishing Attacks

Researchers report how attackers could weaponize a feature in the Slack collaboration platform to access corporate data and messages.
15 April 2020

Slack Incoming Webhooks Can Be Weaponized in Phishing Attacks

Researchers report how attackers could weaponize a feature in the Slack collaboration platform to access corporate data and messages.
15 April 2020

US offers $5 million reward for information on North Korean hackers

US says North Korean hackers pose a significant threat to the integrity and stability of the international financial system.
15 April 2020

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: A Growing but Preventable Mobile Threat

Hackers are upping their game, especially as they target mobile devices.
15 April 2020

Which InfoSec Jobs Will Best Survive a Recession?

Which InfoSec Jobs Will Best Survive a Recession? With COVID-19 making a mess of the global economy, companies are seeking to cut corners - and some boardrooms still see security as a "cost center." Are infosec careers vulnerable now?
15 April 2020

'Nothing's Off the Table': Will Infosec Jobs Survive the Recession?

'Nothing's Off the Table': Will Infosec Jobs Survive the Recession? With COVID-19 making a mess of the global economy, companies are seeking to cut corners - and some boardrooms still see security as a "cost center." Are infosec careers vulnerable now?
15 April 2020

New York State Confirms Breach of Government Network

The January incident led state officials to hire an external forensics firm and change thousands of employee passwords.
15 April 2020

Tencent Ups Top Bug-Bounty Award to $15K

Tencent Ups Top Bug-Bounty Award to $15K The Chinese ISP has expanded its program via HackerOne.
15 April 2020

COVID-19 Has United Cybersecurity Experts, But Will That Unity Survive the Pandemic?

The Coronavirus has prompted thousands of information security professionals to volunteer their skills in upstart collaborative efforts aimed at frustrating cybercriminals who are seeking to exploit the crisis for financial gain. Whether it's helping hospitals avoid becoming the next ransomware victim or kneecapping new COVID-19-themed scam websites, these nascent partnerships may well end up saving lives. But can this unprecedented level of collaboration survive the pandemic?
15 April 2020

Intel Fixes High-Severity Flaws in NUC, Discontinues Buggy Compute Module

Intel Fixes High-Severity Flaws in NUC, Discontinues Buggy Compute Module Intel fixed nine high- and medium-severity flaws in its April security update, which could enable privilege escalation and denial of service attacks.
15 April 2020

PPE, COVID-19 Medical Supplies Targeted by BEC Scams

PPE, COVID-19 Medical Supplies Targeted by BEC Scams FBI said that government agencies aiming to buy critical items like ventilators have unknowingly transferred funds to threat actors.
15 April 2020

Cybersecurity Prep for the 2020s

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Much of the world is still behind on the basics.
15 April 2020

Rapid7 launches AttackerKB, a service for crowdsourcing vulnerability assessments

AttackerKB portal enters public beta.
15 April 2020

New tool detects AWS intrusions where hackers abuse self-replicating tokens

New SkyWrapper tool generates Excel spreadsheets so AWS account owners can easily spot compromised tokens.
15 April 2020

Nemty ransomware operation shuts down

Another ransomware operation bites the dust. Good riddance!
15 April 2020

Phishing kit prices skyrocketed in 2019 by 149%

The average price for a phishing kit in 2019 was $304, up from $122 recorded in 2018.
15 April 2020

Patch-a-Palooza: More Than 560 Flaws Fixed in a Single Day

Software vendors keep pushing patches to the same Tuesday once a month, or once a quarter, and the result can be overwhelming. Six enterprise software makers issued patches for 567 issues in April.
14 April 2020