Cybersecurity News

Small Business Is Big Target for Ransomware

Small businesses are being hit by ransomware, and a majority are paying up to get their data back.
16 April 2020

Cisco IP Phone Harbors Critical RCE Flaw

Cisco IP Phone Harbors Critical RCE Flaw Cisco stomped out a critical vulnerability in its IP Phone web server that could enable remote code execution by an unauthenticated attacker.
16 April 2020

4 Cybersecurity Lessons from the Pandemic

An epidemiologist-turned-CTO describes the parallels between the spread of a computer virus and the real-world coronavirus.
16 April 2020

Apple releases mobility data to help combat COVID‑19

The tool, which comes after a similar effort by Google, looks at how people’s traveling behavior has changed since the start of the pandemic

The post Apple releases mobility data to help combat COVID‑19 appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

16 April 2020

Post Pandemic, Technologists Pose Secure Certification for Immunity

Going digital with immunity passports could speed rollout and allow for better warnings of potential hot spots. But security and privacy issues remain.
16 April 2020

Arxan Technologies Joins New Software Company

The application security provider teams up with CollabNet VersionOne and XebiaLabs to create, a new enterprise DevOps platform.
16 April 2020

Linksys asks users to reset passwords after hackers hijacked home routers last month

Linksys locks Smart WiFi cloud accounts and asks users to reset passwords after hackers hijacked routers to redirect traffic to malware sites.
16 April 2020

Sipping from the Coronavirus Domain Firehose

Security experts are poring over thousands of new Coronavirus-themed domain names registered each day, but this often manual effort struggles to keep pace with the flood of domains invoking the virus to promote malware and phishing sites, as well as non-existent healthcare products and charities. As a result, domain name registrars are under increasing pressure to do more to combat scams and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
16 April 2020

Streaming TV Fraudsters Steal Millions of Ad Dollars in ‘ICEBUCKET’ Attack

Streaming TV Fraudsters Steal Millions of Ad Dollars in ‘ICEBUCKET’ Attack Crooks manipulated connected TV supply-side ad platforms to create millions of fictional eyeballs.
16 April 2020

5 Things Ransomware Taught Me About Responding in a Crisis

What happened in Atlanta is worth studying because it was one of the earliest cases of a major city ransomware attacks and because it came out the other side stronger and more resilient.
16 April 2020

Alleged Zoom Zero-Days for Windows, MacOS for Sale, Report

Alleged Zoom Zero-Days for Windows, MacOS for Sale, Report Alleged Windows flaw allows for remote code execution and is being flogged for $500,000.
16 April 2020

Kernel vulnerabilities in Android devices using Qualcomm chips explored

The security flaws that allowed attackers to achieve root capabilities on handsets have now been described in detail.
16 April 2020

ICEBUCKET group mimicked smart TVs to steal ad money

White Ops: The ICEBUCKET operation is the largest case of SSAI spoofing that has been uncovered to date.
16 April 2020

SentinelOne researcher trolled in new MBRLocker ransomware campaign

Malware was released using the researcher’s name as author, alongside his contact details.
16 April 2020

Zoom to revamp bug bounty program, bring in more security experts

Zoom brings in Luta Security to reboot bug bounty program.
16 April 2020

‘Double Extortion’ Ransomware Attacks Spike

‘Double Extortion’ Ransomware Attacks Spike More ransomware operators are setting up pages where they threaten to publish compromised data from victims - an added pressure for victims to pay the ransom.
16 April 2020

Zoom-bombing disrupted a House Oversight Committee meeting

Zoom-bombing has now disrupted a meeting at the highest level of the US government.
16 April 2020

Half a million Zoom accounts for sale on the dark web

Even accounts belonging to banks and educational institutions were found on lists plastered across various hacker forums

The post Half a million Zoom accounts for sale on the dark web appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

16 April 2020

Wappalyzer discloses security breach after hacker starts emailing users

Wappalyzer tells ZDNet that only 16,000 users have been impacted in the incident.
15 April 2020

New Malware Family Assembles IoT Botnet

'Mozi' combines code from three previously known IoT malware.
15 April 2020