Cybersecurity News

How the Dark Web Fuels Insider Threats

New decentralized, criminal marketplaces and "as-a-service" offerings make it easy for employees to monetize their knowledge and access to enterprise networks and systems.
23 April 2020

Communication, Cloud & Finance Apps Most Vulnerable to Insider Threat

Businesses say customer data, financial data, and intellectual property are the types of data most vulnerable to insider attacks.
23 April 2020

Resiliency: The Trait National Sporting Leagues Share with Security & IT Teams

During unprecedented times such as these, both businesses and professional sports are forced to go back to basics.
23 April 2020

iOS Mail app flaws may have left iPhone users vulnerable for years

A pair of vulnerabilities in the default email app on iOS devices is believed to have been exploited against high-profile targets

The post iOS Mail app flaws may have left iPhone users vulnerable for years appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

23 April 2020

Valve Confirms CS:GO, Team Fortress 2 Source-Code Leak

Valve Confirms CS:GO, Team Fortress 2 Source-Code Leak Leaked source code for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2 has led to widespread gamer worries about security and cheating.
23 April 2020

When in Doubt: Hang Up, Look Up, & Call Back

Many security-conscious people probably think they'd never fall for a phone-based phishing scam. But if your response to such a scam involves anything other than hanging up and calling back the entity that claims to be calling, you may be in for a rude awakening. Here's how one security and tech-savvy reader got taken for more than $10,000 in an elaborate, weeks-long ruse.
23 April 2020

Demand for Cybersecurity Jobs Declines But Still Outperforms Other Sectors

While companies are cutting back on plans to hire, cybersecurity and the technology industry as a whole are doing better than the general economy.
23 April 2020

White-Hat Hackers Help 'Fold' COVID-19 Proteins

White-Hat Hackers Help 'Fold' COVID-19 Proteins A grassroots effort provides scientists with computing power to help simulate the novel coronavirus' proteins and come up with therapeutic solutions for the disease.
23 April 2020

Public Sector Ransomware Attacks Rage On: Can Your Organization Repel Them?

Public Sector Ransomware Attacks Rage On: Can Your Organization Repel Them? To pay or not to pay continues to be the question as ransomware targets cities, even amid COVID-19.
23 April 2020

WHO, CDC and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Victims of Credential Dump, Report

WHO, CDC and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Victims of Credential Dump, Report Hackers have used credentials allegedly stolen from the WHO, CDC and other notable groups to spread coronavirus misinformation online.
23 April 2020

A Dozen Nation-Backed APTs Tap COVID-19 to Cover Spy Attacks

A Dozen Nation-Backed APTs Tap COVID-19 to Cover Spy Attacks Iran's Charming Kitten and other nation-state actors are using the coronavirus pandemic to their advantage, for espionage.
23 April 2020

Skype Phishing Attack Targets Remote Workers’ Passwords

Skype Phishing Attack Targets Remote Workers’ Passwords Attackers are sending convincing emails that ultimately steal victims' Skype credentials.
23 April 2020

The Evolving Threat of Credential Stuffing

Bots' swerve to focus on APIs means businesses must take the threat seriously and take effective action.
23 April 2020

Fake Skype, Signal Apps Used to Spread Surveillanceware

Fake Skype, Signal Apps Used to Spread Surveillanceware Threat groups are increasingly relying on trojanized apps pretending to be legitimate - such as Skype or Signal - but are really spreading surveillanceware.
23 April 2020

NSA shares list of vulnerabilities commonly exploited to plant web shells

NSA and ASD issue joint advisory on detecting and dealing with web shells.
23 April 2020

As we turn to remote working, Malwarebytes joins VPN fray

The new Malwarebytes Privacy VPN has been launched at a time VPN adoption is likely on the rise.
23 April 2020

SBA reveals potential data breach impacting 8,000 emergency business loan applicants

A US Senator says that the White House has “got to get it together.”
23 April 2020

ESET takes down VictoryGate cryptomining botnet

More than 35,000 computers believed to have been infected, according to ESET's sinkhole data.
23 April 2020

Scammers are now taking advantage of US small business relief fund in phishing emails

New campaigns are capitalizing not just on coronavirus fears but also on the outbreak’s financial ramifications.
23 April 2020

Following ESET’s discovery, a Monero mining botnet is disrupted

ESET researchers discover, and play a key role in the disruption of, a 35,000-strong botnet spreading in Latin America via infected USB drives

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23 April 2020