Cybersecurity News

Ninja Forms WordPress bug exposed over a million users to XSS attacks, website hijacking

The severe XSS vulnerability permitted site takeover and visitor browser redirection to malicious websites.
01 May 2020

It’s no time to let your guard down as coronavirus fraud remains a threat

Scammers rehash old campaigns, create credit card-stealing websites and repurpose information channels to milk the COVID-19 crisis for all it's worth

The post It’s no time to let your guard down as coronavirus fraud remains a threat appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

01 May 2020

Dreambot malware operation goes silent

Dreambot backend servers have gone down and no new samples have been spotted for weeks.
01 May 2020

DHS CISA to provide DoH and DoT servers for government use

Until official servers are available, government agencies told to disable DoH (DNS-over-HTTPS) and DoT (DNS-over-TLS) on their networks.
30 April 2020

Microsoft's Records Management Tool Aims to Simplify Data Governance

Microsoft's Records Management Tool Aims to Simplify Data Governance Records Management is intended to help businesses manage security and data governance as more struggle to handle increased amounts of data and regulatory requirements.
30 April 2020

Ransomware mentioned in 1,000+ SEC filings over the past year

A growing number of public companies have started listing ransomware as a forward-looking risk factor in their SEC documents.
30 April 2020

Researchers Find Baby Banking Trojan, Watch It Grow

EventBot is an Android information stealer on its way to becoming a very capable piece of malware.
30 April 2020

Microsoft Sway Abused in Office 365 Phishing Attack

Microsoft Sway Abused in Office 365 Phishing Attack The "PerSwaysion" attackers have leveraged a plethora of Microsoft services to compromise at least 150 executives in a highly targeted phishing campaign.
30 April 2020

Salt Bugs Allow Full RCE as Root on Cloud Servers

Salt Bugs Allow Full RCE as Root on Cloud Servers Researchers say the bugs are easy to exploit and will likely be weaponized within a day.
30 April 2020

Healthcare Targeted By More Attacks But Less Sophistication

An increase in attacks targeting healthcare organizations suggests that perhaps new cybercriminals are getting into the game.
30 April 2020

Building for Billions: Addressing Security Concerns for Platforms at Scale

Building for Billions: Addressing Security Concerns for Platforms at Scale Lessons from Facebook and Google show how to safely scale your environment for security.
30 April 2020

Things Keeping CISOs Up at Night During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Insights from discussions with more than 20 CISOs, CEOs, CTOs, and security leaders.
30 April 2020

Ed-Tech Company Chegg Suffers Third Breach Since 2018

The latest incident compromised names, Social Security numbers, and other data belonging to 700 current and former Chegg employees.
30 April 2020

User-Friendly Cybersecurity: Is a Better UX the Key to a Better Defense?

User-Friendly Cybersecurity: Is a Better UX the Key to a Better Defense? Frictionless security, improved interfaces, and more usable design may improve the efficacy of security tools and features (and make life easier for users and infosec pros alike). So why has there been so much resistance?
30 April 2020

How Cybercriminals are Weathering COVID-19

In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a boon to cybercriminals: With unprecedented numbers of people working from home and anxious for news about the virus outbreak, it's hard to imagine a more target-rich environment for phishers, scammers and malware purveyors. In addition, many crooks are finding the outbreak has helped them better market their cybercriminal wares and services. But it's not all good news: The Coronavirus also has driven up costs and disrupted key supply lines for many cybercriminals.
30 April 2020

Researchers Find Vulnerabilities in Popular Remote Learning Plug-ins

As more students move to online learning platforms, vulnerability researchers are revealing security flaws in some common software plug-ins.
30 April 2020

New Android Malware Targets PayPal, CapitalOne App Users

New Android Malware Targets PayPal, CapitalOne App Users Researchers warn that the EventBot Android malware, which targets over 200 financial apps, could be the "next big mobile malware."
30 April 2020

Maintaining POS Device Security and Cleanliness

With the global spread of COVID-19, awareness about the potential risks associated with touching public-facing surfaces has intensified. Many merchants are working harder than ever to protect their customers by frequently cleaning common touch points in their stores. One of these common surfaces is the point-of-sale (POS) payment terminals where customers swipe or dip their payment card and potentially enter a PIN to confirm their purchase.

30 April 2020

Spear-phishing campaign compromises executives at 150+ companies

PerSwaysion group appears to be formed of members based in Nigeria and South Africa.
30 April 2020

The Rise of Deepfakes and What That Means for Identity Fraud

Convincing deepfakes are a real concern, but there are ways of fighting back.
30 April 2020