Cybersecurity News

Shlayer Mac Malware Returns with Extra Sneakiness

Shlayer Mac Malware Returns with Extra Sneakiness Spreading via poisoned Google search results, this new version of Mac's No. 1 threat comes with added stealth.
17 June 2020

Zoom backtracks and plans to offer end-to-end encryption to all users

E2EE calls were initially planned for Zoom paying customers only, but the company has reconsidered following the public's outcry.
17 June 2020

AWS said it mitigated a 2.3 Tbps DDoS attack, the largest ever

The previous record for the largest DDoS attack ever recorded was of 1.7 Tbps, recorded in March 2018.
17 June 2020

Collaboration Undermined When Security Teams Work Remotely, Some Argue

Knowledge workers are perfectly suited for remote work, but the benefits of collaboration - and the requirements of proving identity - make fully remote security teams problematic.
17 June 2020

Images Play Persuasive Role in Disinformation Campaigns

If the 2016 election is any indication, images included in state-sponsored social media posts are effective at disseminating propaganda, new analysis shows.
17 June 2020

Too Big to Cyber Fail?

How systemic cyber-risk threatens US banks and financial services companies
17 June 2020

Coronavirus-Themed Cyberattacks Drop, Microsoft

Coronavirus-Themed Cyberattacks Drop, Microsoft Microsoft report offers insight on how threat actors exploited COVID-19 across the globe.
17 June 2020

BEC Attacks on the C-Suite Dropped 37% in Q1

New research shows attackers are targeting and establishing relationships with accounts payable departments.
17 June 2020

Operation In(ter)ception: Aerospace and military companies in the crosshairs of cyberspies

ESET researchers uncover targeted attacks against high-profile aerospace and military companies

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17 June 2020

LinkedIn ‘Job Offers’ Targeted Aerospace, Military Firms With Malware

LinkedIn ‘Job Offers’ Targeted Aerospace, Military Firms With Malware A recent malware campaign targeted victims at European and Middle East aerospace and military companies - via LinkedIn spear-phishing messages.
17 June 2020

North Korea's state hackers caught engaging in BEC scams

ESET researchers said they spotted North Korean state-sponsored hackers attempting to steal money from targets they initially breached for cyber-espionage purposes.
17 June 2020

'Ripple20' Bugs Plague Enterprise, Industrial & Medical IoT Devices

Researchers discover 19 vulnerabilities in a TCP/IP software library manufacturers have used in connected devices for 20 years.
16 June 2020

Hosting Provider Hit With Largest-Ever DDoS Attack

Likely looking to make a statement, attackers targeted specific websites hosted by a single provider with a 1.44 terabit-per-second distributed denial-of-service attack, according to Akamai.
16 June 2020

CIA's 'Lax' Security Led to 2017 Compromise of Its Hacking Tools

Internal CIA report released today shows poor security controls surrounding the intelligence agency's hacking tools.
16 June 2020

Qbot Trojan Reappears to Go After U.S. Banking Customers

Qbot Trojan Reappears to Go After U.S. Banking Customers The 12-year-old malware is still dangerous, sporting advanced evasion techniques.
16 June 2020

Adobe Releases PDF Protected Mode for Acrobat DC

The preview, open to Windows users, opens PDF files in a sandbox to protect users who open malicious Acrobat documents.
16 June 2020

Adobe Releases PDF Protected Mode for Document Cloud

The preview, open to Windows users, opens PDF files in a sandbox to protect users who open malicious Acrobat documents.
16 June 2020

83% of Forbes 2000 Companies' Web Domains Are Poorly Protected

Only a handful have controls against domain-name hijacking, DNS modifications, and other threats, a new CSC study finds.
16 June 2020

Adobe Patches 18 Critical Flaws in Out-Of-Band Update

Adobe Patches 18 Critical Flaws in Out-Of-Band Update Critical vulnerabilities were patched in Adobe After Effects, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Premiere Rush and Audition.
16 June 2020

Super secretive Russian disinfo operation discovered dating back to 2014

Researchers uncover six-years-worth of Russian attempts to mold international politics using fake news and forged documents.
16 June 2020