Cybersecurity News

Sixteen Facebook apps caught secretly sharing data with third-parties

Academic study used unique "honeytoken" emails to install Facebook apps and see which emails received emails from unrecognized senders.
02 July 2020

Considerations for Seamless CCPA Compliance

Three steps to better serve consumers, ensure maximum security, and achieve compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act.
02 July 2020

22,900 MongoDB Databases Affected in Ransomware Attack

An attacker scanned for databases misconfigured to expose information and wiped the data, leaving a ransom note behind.
02 July 2020

Trojans, Backdoors and Droppers: The Most-Analyzed Malware

Trojans, Backdoors and Droppers: The Most-Analyzed Malware Even so, backdoors and droppers are rare in the wild.
02 July 2020

Apache Guacamole Opens Door for Total Control of Remote Footprint

Apache Guacamole Opens Door for Total Control of Remote Footprint Several vulnerabilities can be chained together for a full exploit.
02 July 2020

Facebook Privacy Glitch Gave 5K Developers Access to ‘Expired’ Data

Facebook Privacy Glitch Gave 5K Developers Access to ‘Expired’ Data Facebook has fixed a privacy issue that gave developers access to user data long after the 90-day "expiration" date.
02 July 2020

Thousands of MongoDB databases ransacked, held for ransom

The cybercriminal behind the ransom raids on almost 23,000 databases threatens to leak the data and alert GDPR regulators

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02 July 2020

V Shred data leak exposes PII, sensitive photos of fitness customers and trainers

V Shred defended the public status of its open bucket and only partially solved the problem.
02 July 2020

Lessons from COVID-19 Cyberattacks: Where Do We Go Next?

We need to learn from the attacks and attempts that have occurred in order to prepare for the future.
02 July 2020

FakeSpy Android Malware Spread Via ‘Postal-Service’ Apps

FakeSpy Android Malware Spread Via ‘Postal-Service’ Apps New ‘smishing’ campaigns from the Roaming Mantis threat group infect Android users with the FakeSpy infostealer.
02 July 2020

This is how EKANS ransomware is targeting industrial control systems

New samples of the ransomware reveal the techniques used to attack critical ICS systems.
02 July 2020

7 IoT Tips for Home Users

7 IoT Tips for Home Users Whether for business or pleasure, you're on your own once you walk into the house with a new Internet of Things device. Here's how to keep every one secure.
02 July 2020

Facebook says 5,000 app developers got user data after cutoff date

A Facebook privacy mechanism blocks apps from receiving user data if users didn't use an app for 90 days. Facebook said 5,000 apps continued to receive user data regardless.
01 July 2020

Connection discovered between Chinese hacker group APT15 and defense contractor

Lookout said it linked APT15 malware to Xi'an Tianhe Defense Technology, a Chinese defense contractor.
01 July 2020

Ransomware Gangs Don’t Need PR Help

We've seen an ugly trend recently of tech news stories and cybersecurity firms trumpeting claims of ransomware attacks on companies large and small, apparently based on little more than the say-so of the ransomware gangs themselves. Such coverage is potentially quite harmful and plays deftly into the hands of organized crime. Often the rationale behind couching these events as newsworthy is that the attacks involve publicly traded companies or recognizable brands, and that investors and the public have a right to know. But absent any additional information from the victim company or their partners who may be affected by the attack, these kinds of stories and blog posts look a great deal like ambulance chasing and sensationalism.
01 July 2020

Attackers Compromised Dozens of News Websites as Part of Ransomware Campaign

Malware used to download WastedLocker on target networks was hosted on legit websites belonging to one parent company, Symantec says.
01 July 2020

Chinese Software Company Aisino Uninstalls GoldenSpy Malware

Follow-up sandbox research confirms Aisino knew about the malware in its tax software, though it's still unclear whether it was culpable.
01 July 2020

Businesses Invest in Cloud Security Tools Despite Concerns

A majority of organizations say the acceleration was driven by a need to support more remote employees.
01 July 2020

DHS Shares Data on Top Cyber Threats to Federal Agencies

Backdoors, cryptominers, and ransomware were the most widely detected threats by the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)'s intrusion prevention system EINSTEIN.
01 July 2020

DHS Shares Data on Top Cyberthreats to Federal Agencies

Backdoors, cryptominers, and ransomware were the most widely detected threats by the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)'s intrusion prevention system EINSTEIN.
01 July 2020