Cybersecurity News

Omdia Research Launches Page On Dark Reading

Data and insight from a leading cybersecurity research and analysis team will broaden the information available to security professionals and technology vendors.
09 July 2020

Microsoft Warns on OAuth Attacks Against Cloud App Users

Microsoft Warns on OAuth Attacks Against Cloud App Users Application-based attacks that use the passwordless "log in with..." feature common to cloud services are on the rise.
09 July 2020

'Joker' Android Malware Pulls Another Trick to Land on Google's Play Store

Authors of the malware, which signs up mobile users for premium services, are repeatedly finding ways to bypass app review checks.
09 July 2020

When WAFs Go Wrong

Web application firewalls are increasingly disappointing enterprises today. Here's why.
09 July 2020

Popular home routers plagued by critical security flaws

A study paints a dim picture of router security, as none of the 127 devices tested was free of severe vulnerabilities

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09 July 2020

56% of Large Companies Handle 1,000+ Security Alerts Each Day

For 70% of IT security professionals, the volume of security alerts has doubled in the past five years, researchers report.
09 July 2020

Zoom Zero-Day Allows RCE, Patch on the Way

Zoom Zero-Day Allows RCE, Patch on the Way Researchers said that the issue is only exploitable on Windows 7 and earlier.
09 July 2020

Zoom working on patching zero-day disclosed in Windows client

Security firm has disclosed today a zero-day vulnerability in Zoom's Windows client.
09 July 2020

Fight Phishing with Intention

Phishing exercises have become a staple, but it helps to be as clear as possible on exactly why you're doing them.
09 July 2020

Joker Android Malware Dupes Its Way Back Onto Google Play

Joker Android Malware Dupes Its Way Back Onto Google Play A new variant of the Joker malware has hoodwinked its way onto the Google Play marketplace yet again, in 11 Android apps that were recently removed.
09 July 2020

Name That Toon: Tough Times, Tough Measures

Name That Toon: Tough Times, Tough Measures Feeling creative? Submit your caption in the comments, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
09 July 2020

Billions of stolen passwords for sale on the dark web

While logins to music and video streaming services sell for less than ten dollars each, domain admin access is being offered for US$120,000

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09 July 2020

6 Tips for Getting the Most From Nessus

6 Tips for Getting the Most From Nessus Books have been written on using the powerful network-discovery and vulnerability-scanning tool. These tips will help you get started.
09 July 2020

BlueLeaks Server Seized By German Police: Report

BlueLeaks Server Seized By German Police: Report The server contained almost 270 gigabytes of data collected from 200 police departments, law enforcement training and support resources and fusion centers.
09 July 2020

Pen Testing ROI: How to Communicate the Value of Security Testing

There are many reasons to pen test, but the financial reasons tend to get ignored.
09 July 2020

‘Undeletable’ Malware Shows Up in Yet Another Android Device

‘Undeletable’ Malware Shows Up in Yet Another Android Device Researchers have found trojans and adware in preinstalled apps on a low-cost device distributed by the government-funded Lifeline Assistance Program.
09 July 2020

More evil: A deep look at Evilnum and its toolset

ESET research gives a detailed picture of the operations of the Evilnum group and its toolkit deployed in attacks against carefully chosen targets in the fintech sector

The post More evil: A deep look at Evilnum and its toolset appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

09 July 2020

Researchers connect Evilnum hacking group to cyberattacks against Fintech firms

The APT is also a loyal customer of Golden Chickens, a Malware-as-a-Service outfit.
09 July 2020

Google abandons Isolated Region cloud services project in China

Google says the Isolated Region project was scrapped due to other services offering “better outcomes.”
09 July 2020

More pre-installed malware has been found in budget US smartphones

Cheap phones often have tradeoffs but researchers say this should never compromise user safety.
09 July 2020