Cybersecurity News

Researchers create magstripe versions from EMV and contactless cards

Banking industry loophole reported more than a decade ago still remains open and ripe for exploitation today.
10 July 2020

Popular TP-Link Family of Kasa Security Cams Vulnerable to Attack

Popular TP-Link Family of Kasa Security Cams Vulnerable to Attack Researcher warns the highly-rated Kasa family of security cameras have bugs that gives hackers access to private video feeds and settings.
10 July 2020

Mobile App Fraud Jumped in Q1 as Attackers Pivot from Browsers

RSA data reveals a continued shift away from browser-based fraud as attackers target mobile apps.
10 July 2020

Biden Campaign Hires 2 Top Cybersecurity Executives

The campaign has filled the positions of CISO and CTO in the runup to the 2020 presidential election.
10 July 2020

Google Bans Stalkerware Ads – With a Loophole

Google Bans Stalkerware Ads – With a Loophole Starting in August Google is banning ads of products or services promoting stalkerware.
10 July 2020

Amazon tells employees to remove TikTok from their phones due to security risk

Accessing the TikTok website from work laptops is still allowed, according to an internal email Amazon sent to employees today.
10 July 2020

Smartwatch Hack Could Trick Dementia Patients into Overdosing

Smartwatch Hack Could Trick Dementia Patients into Overdosing Attackers could hack the smartwatch and send dementia patients alerts for taking their medication.
10 July 2020

Zoom to Patch Zero-Day Vulnerability in Windows 7

The flaw also affects older versions of the operating system, even if they're fully patched.
10 July 2020

As Offices Reopen, Hardware from Home Threatens Security

As Offices Reopen, Hardware from Home Threatens Security Devices out of sight for the past several months could spell trouble when employees bring them back to work.
10 July 2020

4 Security Tips as the July 15 Tax-Day Extension Draws Near

We're continuing to see cybercriminals take advantage of COVID-19, and the extension of Tax Day will be the next technique used in their sophisticated method of attacks.
10 July 2020

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Up close with the Evilnum group and its eponymous malware – A severe flaw in networking gear – Router firmware under the microscope

The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

10 July 2020

Report: Most Popular Home Routers Have ‘Critical’ Flaws

Report: Most Popular Home Routers Have ‘Critical’ Flaws Common devices from Netgear, Linksys, D-Link and others contain serious security vulnerabilities that even updates don’t fix.
10 July 2020

Black Hat USA Debuts Cyber-Physical Systems Briefings Track

Discover how to defend systems where computers monitor, manage, and control a physical process.
10 July 2020

Backdoor accounts discovered in 29 FTTH devices from Chinese vendor C-Data

The backdoor accounts grant access to a secret Telnet admin account running on the devices' external WAN interface.
10 July 2020

Smartwatch tracker for the vulnerable can be hacked to send medication alerts

API issues could be exploited to make calls, spy on users, send fake messages, and more.
10 July 2020

KingComposer patches XSS flaw impacting 100,000 WordPress websites

The vulnerability could be exploited to execute malicious payloads in visitor browsers.
10 July 2020

Using Adversarial Machine Learning, Researchers Look to Foil Facial Recognition

For privacy-seeking users, good news: Computer scientists are finding more ways to thwart facial and image recognition. But there's also bad news: Gains will likely be short-lived.
09 July 2020

Huge DDoS Attack Launched Against Cloudflare in Late June

The 754 million packets-per-second peak was part of a four-day attack involving more than 316,000 sending addresses.
09 July 2020

Google bans stalkerware ads

New Google Ads policy that bans stalkerware enters into effect on August 11.
09 July 2020

Up Close with Evilnum, the APT Group Behind the Malware

The group behind Evilnum malware, which continues to target financial institutions, appears to be testing new techniques.
09 July 2020