Cybersecurity News

Russian Cyberattacks Target COVID-19 Research, Vaccine Development

Government agencies in the US, UK, and Canada report Russian group Cozy Bear is targeting organizations developing coronavirus vaccines.
16 July 2020

Diebold Nixdorf warns of a new class of ATM 'black box' attacks across Europe

New ATM black box (jackpotting) attacks have been spotted in Belgium.
16 July 2020

Zoom Addresses Vanity URL Zero-Day

Zoom Addresses Vanity URL Zero-Day An attacker could pose as a company employee, invite customers or partners to meetings, then use socially engineered conversation to extract sensitive information.
16 July 2020

Spanish deputy PM urges investigation into Catalan spyware claims

Spanish deputy PM urges investigation into Catalan spyware claims

Exclusive: Pablo Iglesias calls alleged targeting of independence movement figures unacceptable

The Spanish deputy prime minister Pablo Iglesias has become the most senior political figure to call for a parliamentary investigation into the use of spyware to target prominent members of the Catalan independence movement, saying such practices are “unacceptable in a democracy”.

A joint investigation this week by the Guardian and El País has revealed that Roger Torrent, the speaker of the Catalan parliament, and former regional foreign minister Ernest Maragall are among at least four pro-independence activists who have been targeted using Israeli spyware that its makers said is sold only to governments.

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16 July 2020

High‑profile Twitter accounts hacked to promote Bitcoin scam

Tech titans and prominent politicians among victims of a sprawling hack that Twitter says leveraged its internal tools

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16 July 2020

US actor casting company leaked private data of over 260,000 individuals

Exclusive: The site has been used to cast members in Pitch Perfect and Terminator Genisys, among other shows.
16 July 2020

Third-Party IoT Vulnerabilities: We Need a Cybersecurity Paradigm Shift

The only entities equipped to safeguard Internet of Things devices against risks are the IoT device manufacturers themselves.
16 July 2020

Amazon-Themed Phishing Campaigns Swim Past Security Checks

Amazon-Themed Phishing Campaigns Swim Past Security Checks A pair of recent campaigns aim to lift credentials and other personal information under the guise of Amazon package-delivery notices.
16 July 2020

Level Up Your Kubernetes Security Skills at Black Hat USA

Gain access to a broad spectrum of in-depth cybersecurity Briefings and Trainings.
16 July 2020

European court strikes down EU-US Privacy Shield user data exchange agreement as invalid

The decision could have immediate ramifications for the transfer of user data between the US and Europe.
16 July 2020

Threat Actors Introduce Unique ‘Newbie’ Hacker Forum

Threat Actors Introduce Unique ‘Newbie’ Hacker Forum CryptBB becomes more inclusive by inviting less experienced hackers to learn from expert cybercriminals and one another.
16 July 2020

Iranian cyberspies leave training videos exposed online

Cyber-security firm IBM X-Force finds video recordings used to train Iranian state hackers.
16 July 2020

Mac cryptocurrency trading application rebranded, bundled with malware

ESET researchers lure GMERA malware operators to remotely control their Mac honeypots

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16 July 2020

Mac users trying to trade cryptocurrencies targeted by Gmera Trojan operators

Wallets are being plundered by apps infected with Gmera malware.
16 July 2020

LokiBot Redux Attacks Massive List of Common Android Apps

LokiBot Redux Attacks Massive List of Common Android Apps BlackRock, based on the Xerxes source code, can steal info not only from financial apps but also TikTok, Tinder, Instagram, Uber and many others.
16 July 2020

New BlackRock Android malware can steal passwords and card data from 337 apps

Android apps targeted by this new trojan include banking, dating, social media, and instant messaging apps.
16 July 2020

Bazar backdoor linked to Trickbot banking Trojan campaigns

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to spread the new malware.
16 July 2020

Twitter Elite Accounts Are Hijacked in Unprecedented Cryptocurrency Scam

Twitter Elite Accounts Are Hijacked in Unprecedented Cryptocurrency Scam The Twitter accounts of Gates, Musk, Biden, Apple and Uber have each been hijacked at the same time to push a cryptocurrency scam in an unprecedented breach of Twitter accounts.
15 July 2020

Cryptocurrency Scam Spreads Across High-Profile Twitter Accounts

Twitter accounts belonging to former president Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are among those hijacked in a massive cryptocurrency scam.
15 July 2020

Chinese state hackers target Hong Kong Catholic Church

EXCLUSIVE: Spear-phishing operation targets members of the Hong Kong Catholic Church.
15 July 2020