Cybersecurity News

Garmin Takes App & Services Offline After Suspected Ransomware Attack

Wearables company Garmin shut down its website, app, call centers, and other services in the aftermath of a security incident.
24 July 2020

DJI Drone App Riddled With Privacy Issues, Researchers Allege

DJI Drone App Riddled With Privacy Issues, Researchers Allege The DJI GO 4 application open users’ sensitive data up for the taking, researchers allege.
24 July 2020

Remote Work Could Help Cybersecurity's Diversity Problem - But Will It?

Job market data from the second quarter suggests there are increasing opportunities for women and minorities in the world of remote work, but long-standing biases may provide resistance.
24 July 2020

Access to Internal Twitter Admin Tools Is Widespread

More than 1,000 individuals have access to tools that could have aided the attackers in the recent Twitter attack on high-profile accounts.
24 July 2020

Rise of the Robots: How You Should Secure RPA

Rise of the Robots: How You Should Secure RPA Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the next big thing in innovation and digital strategy. But what security details are overlooked in the rush to implement bots?
24 July 2020

A vigilante is sabotaging the Emotet botnet by replacing malware payloads with GIFs

Emotet botnet activity goes down as Emotet admins are wrestling with a vigilante for control over parts of their infrastructure.
24 July 2020

NSA Urgently Warns on Industrial Cyberattacks, Triconex Critical Bug

NSA Urgently Warns on Industrial Cyberattacks, Triconex Critical Bug Power plants, factories, oil and gas refineries and more are all in the sights of foreign adversaries, the U.S. warns.
24 July 2020

News Wrap: Twitter Hack, Apple Under Fire and Global Privacy Finger Wags

News Wrap: Twitter Hack, Apple Under Fire and Global Privacy Finger Wags Threatpost editors talk about the biggest security news stories for the week ended Jul. 24.
24 July 2020

Week in security with Tony Anscombe

VPN services accused of leaking personal data – Better security in Gmail, Meet and Chat – Data breach reports in 1H2020

The post Week in security with Tony Anscombe appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

24 July 2020

Premier League team narrowly avoids losing £1 million to scammers

In another incident, ransomware attackers almost forced the cancellation of a match, a report reveals

The post Premier League team narrowly avoids losing £1 million to scammers appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

24 July 2020

Email Security Features Fail to Prevent Phishable 'From' Addresses

The security features for verifying the source of an email header fail to work together properly in many implementations, according to a team of researchers.
24 July 2020

Banning TikTok Won't Solve Our Privacy Problems

Preventing the use of an apps based solely on its country of origin (no matter how hostile) is merely a Band-Aid that won't fully address all privacy and security concerns.
24 July 2020

Malicious ‘Blur’ Photo App Campaign Discovered on Google Play

Malicious ‘Blur’ Photo App Campaign Discovered on Google Play Twenty-nine bad mobile apps with a combined 3.5 million downloads bombard users with out-of-context ads.
24 July 2020

FBI warns US companies about backdoors in Chinese tax software

Following the GoldenHelper and GoldenSpy malware reports, the FBI is now warning US companies operating in China.
24 July 2020

Smartwatch maker Garmin hit by outages after ransomware attack

Smartwatch maker Garmin hit by outages after ransomware attack

US company forced to shut down call centres, website and some other online services

Garmin has been forced to shut down its call centres, website and some other online services after a ransomware attack encrypted the smartwatch maker’s internal network and some production systems.

The US company shut down services including the official Garmin website and all customer services, including phone lines, online chat and email.

Related: The five: ransomware attacks

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24 July 2020

Twilio Security Incident Shows Danger of Misconfigured S3 Buckets

Twilio says attackers accessed its misconfigured cloud storage system and altered a copy of the JavaScriptSDK it shares with customers.
23 July 2020

DNA Site Leaves Records Open to Law Enforcement

A pair of breaches reset user accounts to allow access for two days.
23 July 2020

Twitter Breach a Reminder of Need to Protect Corporate Social Media Use

Intruders had access to direct messages associated with 36 accounts in last week's attack, social media giant discloses.
23 July 2020

Cisco Network Security Flaw Leaks Sensitive Data

Cisco Network Security Flaw Leaks Sensitive Data The flaw exists in Cisco's network security Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) software and its Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) software.
23 July 2020

Garmin Suffers Reported Ransomware Attack

Garmin Suffers Reported Ransomware Attack Garmin's services, websites and customer service have all been down since Wednesday night.
23 July 2020