Cybersecurity News

Browsers to Enforce Shorter Certificate Life Spans: What Businesses Should Know

Apple, Google, and Mozilla will shorten the life span for TLS certificates in a move poised to aid security but cause operational troubles.
30 July 2020

Dark Web Travel Fraudsters Left Hurting From Lockdowns

Shadow travel businesses that depend on loyalty program fraud have been impacted just like the legitimate travel orgs they prey on.
30 July 2020

Zoom Flaw Could Have Allowed Hackers To Crack Meeting Passcodes

Zoom Flaw Could Have Allowed Hackers To Crack Meeting Passcodes Zoom has fixed the issue, which stemmed from a lack of checks against incorrect passcode attempts.
30 July 2020

Mimecast Buys MessageControl

The email security provider brings into its fold social engineering and human identity capabilities.
30 July 2020

Ill-Defined Career Paths Hamper Growth for IT Security Pros

Appsec and cloud security skills are the most in demand, and a shortage of staff is wearing on security teams, a new study shows.
30 July 2020

EU sanctions China, Russia, and North Korea for past hacks

The EU has imposed today its first-ever economical sanctions following cyber-attacks from foreign adversaries.
30 July 2020

Poll: Endpoint Extravaganza

What shape do you expect remote endpoints to be in when they start winging their way back to the office?
30 July 2020

5 Tips for Optimizing Your Company's Cyber-Crisis Preparedness

Cyber-incident response often addresses short-term needs, but we need to broaden the view of crisis management to be more forward-thinking.
30 July 2020

Google Adds Security Updates to Chrome Autofill

Chrome users can retrieve payment card numbers via biometric authentication and use a new "touch-to-fill: feature to log in to accounts.
30 July 2020

Doki Backdoor Infiltrates Docker Servers in the Cloud

Doki Backdoor Infiltrates Docker Servers in the Cloud The malware is a new payload that uses Dogecoin wallets for its C2, and spreads via the Ngrok botnet.
30 July 2020

Citizens Are Increasingly Worried About How Companies Use Their Data

With data privacy important to almost every American, more than two-thirds of those surveyed say they don't trust companies to ethically sell their data.
30 July 2020

Black Hat Virtually: An Important Time to Come Together as a Community

The significance of this year's event hasn't changed a whit. It's an opportunity to share what we've learned, and plan how to protect each other and the public for the remainder of the pandemic and beyond.
30 July 2020

10 billion records exposed in unsecured databases, study says

The databases contain personal information that could be used for phishing attacks and identity theft schemes

The post 10 billion records exposed in unsecured databases, study says appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

30 July 2020

Is Your Chip Card Secure? Much Depends on Where You Bank

Chip-based credit and debit cards are designed to make it infeasible for skimming devices or malware to clone your card when you pay for something by dipping the chip instead of swiping the stripe. But a recent series of malware attacks on U.S.-based merchants suggest thieves are exploiting weaknesses in how certain financial institutions have implemented the technology to sidestep key chip card security features and effectively create usable, counterfeit cards.
30 July 2020

Multiple Tor security issues disclosed, more to come

A security researcher has published details about two Tor security issues and promises to release three more.
30 July 2020

Two Tor zero-days disclosed, more to come

A security researcher has published details about two Tor zero-days and promises to release three more.
30 July 2020

Critical, High-Severity Cisco Flaws Fixed in Data Center Network Manager

Critical, High-Severity Cisco Flaws Fixed in Data Center Network Manager The flaw could allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to bypass authentication on vulnerable devices.
30 July 2020

Using the Attack Cycle to Up Your Security Game

Using the Attack Cycle to Up Your Security Game Like the universe, the attack surface is always expanding. Here's how to keep up and even get ahead.
30 July 2020

Vermont Taxpayers Warned of Data Leak Over the Past Three Years

Vermont Taxpayers Warned of Data Leak Over the Past Three Years A vulnerability in the state’s system may have exposed personal data that can be used for credential theft for those who filed Property Transfer Tax returns online.
30 July 2020

US prosecutors seek years in prison for Uber self-driving exec who stole Google trade secrets

Anthony Levandowski pleaded guilty and has recently filed for bankruptcy.
30 July 2020