Cybersecurity News

6 Dangerous Defaults Attackers Love (and You Should Know)

6 Dangerous Defaults Attackers Love (and You Should Know) Default configurations can be massive vulnerabilities. Here are a half dozen to check on for your network.
04 August 2020

Newsletter WordPress Plugin Opens Door to Site Takeover

Newsletter WordPress Plugin Opens Door to Site Takeover An XSS bug and a PHP object-injection vulnerability are present in a plugin used by hundreds of thousands of websites.
04 August 2020

Firefox adds protections against redirect tracking

New protection already active in Firefox 79; will roll out to all Firefox users in the next few weeks.
04 August 2020

Retooling the SOC for a Post-COVID World

Residual work-from-home policies will require changes to security policies, procedures, and technologies.
04 August 2020

Iranian hacker group becomes first known APT to weaponize DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)

Kaspersky says Oilrig (APT34) group has been using DoH to silently exfiltrate data from hacked networks.
04 August 2020

FPGAs Do It Faster Than CPUs

Attacks are becoming faster and more efficient
04 August 2020

FBI warns of surge in online shopping scams

In one scheme, shoppers ordering gadgets or gym equipment are in for a rude surprise – they receive disposable face masks instead

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04 August 2020

Google & Amazon Replace Apple as Phishers' Favorite Brands

Google and Amazon were the most imitated brands in the second quarter, knocking out Apple.
04 August 2020

Twitter Could Face $250M FTC Fine Over Improper Data Use

Twitter Could Face $250M FTC Fine Over Improper Data Use The potential FTC fine comes after Twitter last year acknowledged that user emails and phone numbers were being used for targeted advertising.
04 August 2020

Securing IoT as a Remote Workforce Strategy

Digital transformation with Internet of Things devices offers organizations a way forward in the era of COVID-19. Optimizing this approach for the future will need to start with security.
04 August 2020

Apple Knocked Off Perch as Most Imitated Brand for Phishing Attacks

Apple Knocked Off Perch as Most Imitated Brand for Phishing Attacks COVID-19 pandemic spurs spoofing preference changes, plus a surge in email-based attacks.
04 August 2020

Podcast: Learning to ‘Speak the Language’ of OT Security Teams

Podcast: Learning to ‘Speak the Language’ of OT Security Teams Andrew Ginter, VP Industrial Security at Waterfall Security Solutions, talks about the differing priorities between IT and OT security teams as industrial control systems become connected.
04 August 2020

Ransomware gang publishes tens of GBs of internal data from LG and Xerox

Maze gang publishes internal data from LG and Xerox after failed extortion attempt.
03 August 2020

Ahead of US election, Google bans ads linking to hacked political content

New Google Ads policy to enter into effect on September 1, 2020.
03 August 2020

11 Hot Startups to Watch at Black Hat USA

11 Hot Startups to Watch at Black Hat USA A sneak peek at the up-and-coming organizations to check out on the Black Hat USA virtual show floor.
03 August 2020

11 Hot Startups to Watch at Black Hat USA

11 Hot Startups to Watch at Black Hat USA A sneak peek at the up-and-coming organizations to check out on the Black Hat USA virtual show floor.
03 August 2020

Robocall Legal Advocate Leaks Customer Data

A California company that helps telemarketing firms avoid getting sued for violating a federal law that seeks to curb robocalls has leaked the phone numbers, email addresses and passwords of all its customers, as well as the mobile phone numbers and other data on people who have hired lawyers to go after telemarketers.
03 August 2020

FBI Warns on New E-Commerce Fraud

A wave of new, fraudulent websites has popped up to take advantage of the rise in online shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.
03 August 2020

DHS Urges 'Highest Priority' Attention on Old Chinese Malware Threat

"Taidoor" is a remote access tool that has been used in numerous cyber espionage campaigns since at least 2008.
03 August 2020

New 'Nanodegree' Program Provides Hands-On Cybersecurity Training

Emerging streamlined curriculum programs aim to help narrow the skills gap.
03 August 2020