Cybersecurity News

FBI informant provides a glimpse into the inner workings of tech support scams

Court documents expose how tech support scammers operate.
25 August 2020

Election Security's Sticky Problem: Attackers Who Don't Attack Votes

Election Security's Sticky Problem: Attackers Who Don't Attack Votes If election defenders are protecting votes, and adversaries are attacking something else entirely, both sides might claim success, "Operation BlackOut" simulation shows.
25 August 2020

Phishing Attack Used Box to Land in Victim Inboxes

A phishing attack targeting government and security organizations used a legitimate Box page with Microsoft 365 branding to trick victims.
25 August 2020

Online Business Fraud Down, Consumer Fraud Up

Criminals are changing tactics to match changing business conditions in the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report.
25 August 2020

FBI, CISA warn of spike in vishing attacks

Cybercriminals increasingly take aim at teleworkers, setting up malicious duplicates of companies' internal VPN login pages

The post FBI, CISA warn of spike in vishing attacks appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

25 August 2020

Three Easy Ways to Avoid Meow-like Database Attacks

The largest problem facing database security today is the disconnect between security teams and DBAs beginning from the moment of configuration and continuing throughout the database lifecycle.
25 August 2020

Palo Alto Networks to Acquire The Crypsis Group for $265M

This is the latest in a series of acquisitions that Palo Alto has made since 2018.
25 August 2020

Conti (Ryuk) joins the ranks of ransomware gangs operating data leak sites

More and more ransomware gangs are now operating sites where they leak sensitive data from victims who refuse to pay the ransom demand.
25 August 2020

Safari Bug Revealed After Apple Takes Nearly a Year to Patch

Safari Bug Revealed After Apple Takes Nearly a Year to Patch Polish security researcher unveiled the flaw in a cross-browser sharing API that could allow attackers to steal user files.
25 August 2020

Lazarus Group Targets Cryptocurrency Firms Via LinkedIn Messages

Lazarus Group Targets Cryptocurrency Firms Via LinkedIn Messages The North Korean-linked APT's latest campaign shows that it is shifting focus to target the cryptocurrency and financial verticals.
25 August 2020

The Fatal Flaw in Data Security

Simply stated: No matter how sophisticated your security software is, data cannot be simultaneously used and secured. But that may be changing soon.
25 August 2020

Browser-based cryptojacking sees sudden spike in activity in Q2 2020

However, there's nothing to worry about. Browser-based cryptojacking is not making a comeback.
25 August 2020

Shoring Up the 2020 Election: Secure Vote Tallies Aren’t the Problem

Shoring Up the 2020 Election: Secure Vote Tallies Aren’t the Problem With many in the public sphere warning about a potential compromise of the integrity of the Presidential Election, security researchers instead flag online resources and influence campaigns as the biggest problem areas.
25 August 2020

Lazarus group strikes cryptocurrency firm through LinkedIn job adverts

A system administrator proved to be the weak link, opening the door for Lazarus to attack.
25 August 2020

Security researcher discloses Safari bug after Apple's delays patch

Safari bug could be abused to leak or steal files from users' devices.
24 August 2020

Security researcher discloses Safari bug after Apple delays patch

Safari bug could be abused to leak or steal files from users' devices.
24 August 2020

MITRE Releases 'Shield' Active Defense Framework

Free knowledge base offers techniques and tactics for engaging with and better defending against network intruders.
24 August 2020

Google Fixes High-Severity Chrome Browser Code Execution Bug

Google Fixes High-Severity Chrome Browser Code Execution Bug The high-severity flaw, which was patched in the latest version of Google's Chrome browser, could allow code execution.
24 August 2020

CISA Releases 5G Security Guidelines

The new document defines lines of effort for developing security for the growing 5G network.
24 August 2020

Attackers Use Unicode & HTML to Bypass Email Security Tools

Researchers spot cybercriminals using new techniques to help malicious phishing emails slip past detection tools.
24 August 2020