Cybersecurity News

Ex-Cisco Employee Pleads Guilty to Deleting 16K Webex Teams Accounts

Ex-Cisco Employee Pleads Guilty to Deleting 16K Webex Teams Accounts Former Cisco employee Sudhish Kasaba Ramesh admitted to accessing Cisco’s cloud infrastructure and deleting 16,000 Webex Teams employee accounts.
27 August 2020

US sues to recover cryptocurrency funds stolen by North Korean hackers

US officials are going after 280 BTC and ETH accounts storing funds North Korean hackers stole from two cryptocurrency exchanges.
27 August 2020

Old Malware Tool Acquires New Tricks

Latest version of Qbot has acquired a new feature for collecting email threads from Outlook clients.
27 August 2020

Fastly to Acquire Signal Sciences for $775M

Signal Sciences' technology will be used to build a new web application and API security tool called Secure@Edge.
27 August 2020

Facebook sues maker of advertising SDK for refusing to participate in audit

Facebook also sued the operator of a website selling Instagram followers, likes, and comments.
27 August 2020

The Inside Threat from Psychological Manipulators

How internal manipulators can actually degrade your organization's cyber defense, and how to defend against them.
27 August 2020

Iranian hackers impersonate journalists to set up WhatsApp calls and gain victims' trust

Iranian hackers impersonated journalists from German TV Deutsche Welle and Israeli magazine Jewish Journal, and the Wall Street Journal in earlier attacks this year.
27 August 2020

Confessions of an ID Theft Kingpin, Part II

Yesterday's piece told the tale of Hieu Minh Ngo, a hacker the U.S. Secret Service described as someone who caused more material financial harm to more Americans than any other convicted cybercriminal. Ngo was recently deported back to his home country after serving more than seven years in prison for running multiple identity theft services. He now says he wants to use his experience to convince other cybercriminals to use their skills for good. Here's a look at what happened after he got busted.
27 August 2020

Facebook Hits Back At Apple’s iOS 14 Privacy Update

Facebook Hits Back At Apple’s iOS 14 Privacy Update While privacy experts praised Apple’s upcoming iOS 14 updates, Facebook said the new features could cut its advertising business in half.
27 August 2020

DDoS extortion campaign targets financial firms, retailers

The extortionists attempt to scare the targets into paying by claiming to represent some of the world’s most notorious APT groups

The post DDoS extortion campaign targets financial firms, retailers appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

27 August 2020

Magecart’s Success Paves Way For Cybercriminal Credit Card ‘Sniffer’ Market

Magecart’s Success Paves Way For Cybercriminal Credit Card ‘Sniffer’ Market Magecart's successes have led to threat actors actively advertising 'sniffers' that can be injected into e-commerce websites in order to exfiltrate payment cards.
27 August 2020

How CISOs Can Play a New Role in Defining the Future of Work

Rather than just reacting to security issues in the COVID-19 era, CISOs are now in a position to be change agents alongside their C-suite peers.
27 August 2020

Malicious Attachments Remain a Cybercriminal Threat Vector Favorite

Malicious Attachments Remain a Cybercriminal Threat Vector Favorite Malicious attachments continue to be a top threat vector in the cybercriminal world, even as public awareness increases and tech companies amp up their defenses.
27 August 2020

Revamped Qbot Trojan Packs New Punch: Hijacks Email Threads

Revamped Qbot Trojan Packs New Punch: Hijacks Email Threads New version of trojan is spreading fast and already has claimed 100,000 victims globally, Check Point has discovered.
27 August 2020

Your email threads are now being hijacked by the QBot Trojan

Operators have changed their tactics in the quest for data theft.
27 August 2020

DDoS extortionists target NZX, Moneygram, Braintree, and other financial services

One of the victims, the New Zealand stock exchange (NZX), has halted trading for the third day in a row following the attacks.
26 August 2020

'Transparent Tribe' APT Group Deploys New Android Spyware for Cyber Espionage

The group, which has been around since at least 2013, has impacted thousands of organizations, mostly in India.
26 August 2020

Higher Education CISOs Share COVID-19 Response Stories

Security leaders from Stanford, Ohio State, and the University of Chicago share challenges and response tactics from the COVID-19 pandemic.
26 August 2020

US Warns of Ongoing BeagleBoyz Bank-Theft Operations

The North Korean operatives have attempted to steal more than $2 billion since 2015 in a series of ongoing campaigns.
26 August 2020

Twitter botnet quoting Dracula book caught pushing pro-Chinese propaganda

Botnet was estimated at around 3,000 bots, before Twitter suspended some accounts this month.
26 August 2020