Cybersecurity News

Norway’s parliament struck by hackers

Unknown threat actors were able to exfiltrate information from the email accounts of several parliamentarians

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02 September 2020

Live Webinar: XDR and Beyond

Live Webinar: XDR and Beyond Next week, Senior Analyst Dave Gruber of ESG will join cybersecurity company Cynet for a webinar to help companies better understand the promise and realities of emerging XDR technologies
02 September 2020

Cisco Warns of Active Exploitation of Flaw in Carrier-Grade Routers

Cisco Warns of Active Exploitation of Flaw in Carrier-Grade Routers Multiple flaws in system software that causes errors in packet handling could allow an attacker to consume memory and crash devices.
02 September 2020

Hypothesis: Cyber Attackers Are After Your Scientific Research

Hypothesis: Cyber Attackers Are After Your Scientific Research From COVID-19 treatment to academic studies, keeping research secure is more important than ever. The ResearchSOC at Indiana University intends to help.
02 September 2020

Chinese APT Debuts Sepulcher Malware in Spear-Phishing Attacks

Chinese APT Debuts Sepulcher Malware in Spear-Phishing Attacks The RAT has been distributed in various campaigns over the past six months, targeting both European officials and Tibetan dissidents.
02 September 2020

KryptoCibule: The multitasking multicurrency cryptostealer

ESET researchers analyze a previously undocumented trojan that is spread via malicious torrents and uses multiple tricks to squeeze as many cryptocoins as possible from its victims while staying under the radar

The post KryptoCibule: The multitasking multicurrency cryptostealer appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

02 September 2020

New KryptoCibule Windows malware is a triple threat for cryptocurrency users

The malware has been active since late 2018 and has targeted users in the Czech Republic and Slovakia primarily (for now).
02 September 2020

AusCERT says alleged DoE hack came from a third-party

AusCERT says a data breach occurred at K7Maths, a company providing services to schools.
02 September 2020

New Threat Activity by Lazarus Group Spells Trouble For Orgs

The North Korea-backed group has launched several campaigns to raise revenue for cash-strapped nation's missile program, security experts say.
01 September 2020

CISA and FBI say they have not seen cyber-attacks this year on voter registration databases

CISA and the FBI issue a joint statement about election and voter database hacking threats after a misleading article in Russian media today.
01 September 2020

Anti-Phishing Startup Pixm Aims to Hook Browser-Based Threats

Pixm visually analyzes phishing websites from a human perspective to detect malicious pages people might otherwise miss.
01 September 2020

Magento Sites Vulnerable to RCE Stemming From Magmi Plugin Flaws

Magento Sites Vulnerable to RCE Stemming From Magmi Plugin Flaws Two flaws - one of them yet to be fixed - are afflicting a third-party plugin used by Magento e-commerce websites.
01 September 2020

Apple Signs Shlayer, Legitimizes Malware

Shlayer, a common macOS Trojan, received Apple's notary certification and place in the App Store -- twice.
01 September 2020

Facebook and Twitter suspend Russian propaganda accounts following FBI tip

The banned accounts belonged to PeaceData, a news website publishing misleading articles about world politics.
01 September 2020

New APT Pioneer Kitten Linked to Iranian Government

The group's targets have primarily been North American and Israeli entities, with a focus on technology, government, defense, and healthcare.
01 September 2020

ISO 27701 Paves the Way for a Strategic Approach to Privacy

As the first certifiable international privacy management standard, ISO 27701 is a welcome addition to the existing set of common security frameworks.
01 September 2020

Norwegian Parliament discloses cyber-attack on internal email system

Norway's Parliament, Stortinget, says hackers gained access and downloaded content for "a small number of parliamentary representatives and employees."
01 September 2020

U.S. Voter Databases Offered for Free on Dark Web, Report

U.S. Voter Databases Offered for Free on Dark Web, Report Some underground forum users said they're monetizing the information through the State Department's anti-influence-campaign effort.
01 September 2020

Magecart Credit-Card Skimmer Adds Telegram as C2 Channel

Magecart Credit-Card Skimmer Adds Telegram as C2 Channel In a rare move, the encrypted messaging service is being used to send stolen payment-card data from websites back to cybercriminals.
01 September 2020

FBI: Ring Smart Doorbells Could Sabotage Cops

FBI: Ring Smart Doorbells Could Sabotage Cops While privacy advocates have warned against Ring's partnerships with police, newly unearthed documents reveal FBI concerns about 'new challenges' smart doorbell footage could create for cops.
01 September 2020