Cybersecurity News

The Joys of Owning an ‘OG’ Email Account

When you own a short email address at a popular email provider, you are bound to get gobs of spam, and more than a few alerts about random people trying to seize control over the account. If your account name is short and desirable enough, this kind of activity can make the account less reliable for day-to-day communications because it tends to bury emails you do want to receive. But there is also a puzzling side to all this noise: Random people tend to use your account as if it were theirs, and often for some fairly sensitive services online.
02 September 2020

Most IoT Hardware Dangerously Easy to Crack

Manufacturers need to invest more effort into protecting root-level access to connected devices, security researcher says.
02 September 2020

55% of Cybersquatted Domains Are Malicious or Potentially Fraudulent

The largest online companies, such as Apple and PayPal, and banks are being targeted by cybersquatters, who are also taking advantage of the pandemic, a study finds.
02 September 2020

Facebook & Twitter Remove Russian Accounts Spreading Disinformation

The Russia-backed Internet Research Agency has returned with new strategies to sway voters ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
02 September 2020

Google removes Android app that was used to spy on Belarusian protesters

App mimicked a popular anti-government news site and collected location and device owner details.
02 September 2020

U.S. Agencies Must Adopt Vulnerability-Disclosure Policies by March 2021

U.S. Agencies Must Adopt Vulnerability-Disclosure Policies by March 2021 U.S. agencies must implement vulnerability-disclosure policies by March 2021, according to a new CISA mandate.
02 September 2020

New Jersey Man Sentenced to 7+ Years for Cyber Breaking & Entering

The man installed keyloggers, stealing credentials and information on emerging technology development.
02 September 2020

BEC Wire Transfers Average $80K Per Attack

BEC Wire Transfers Average $80K Per Attack That number represents a big uptick over Q1.
02 September 2020

Triple-Threat Cryptocurrency RAT Mines, Steals and Harvests

Triple-Threat Cryptocurrency RAT Mines, Steals and Harvests KryptoCibule spreads via pirated software and game torrents.
02 September 2020

The Hidden Costs of Losing Security Talent

One person's exit can set off a chain of costly events.
02 September 2020

The Hidden Costs of Losing Security Talent

One person's exit can set off a chain of costly events.
02 September 2020

Don't Forget Cybersecurity on Your Back-to-School List

School systems don't seem like attractive targets, but they house lots of sensitive data, such as contact information, grades, health records, and more.
02 September 2020

DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) support added to Chrome on Android

DoH support added to Chrome 85, released last week, and slowly rolling out to all Android users in the coming weeks.
02 September 2020

'KryptoCibule' Uses Several Tricks to Maximize Cryptocurrency Theft

The malware family uses multiple tactics to steal as much cryptocurrency as possible while flying under the radar.
02 September 2020

PCI DSS in Practice Case Study: CSU


In this PCI DSS in Practice Case Study, Brazil Regional Engagement Board Member CSU Cardsystem S.A. discusses challenges with balancing the constant evolution and launch of new technologies with simplicity, security, and compliance.

02 September 2020

Joker Spyware Plagues More Google Play Apps

Joker Spyware Plagues More Google Play Apps The six malicious apps have been removed from Google Play, but could still threaten 200,000 installs.
02 September 2020

Backdoors left unpatched in MoFi routers

MoFi Network patched only six of ten reported vulnerabilities, leaving three hard-coded undocumented backdoor systems in place.
02 September 2020

5 Tips for Triaging Risk from Exposed Credentials

5 Tips for Triaging Risk from Exposed Credentials Not all exposed usernames and passwords present a threat. Here's how to quickly identify the ones that do.
02 September 2020

DHS Partners with Industry to Offer State, Local Gov'ts Cybersecurity Aid

The US Department of Homeland Security teams up with Akamai and the Center for Internet Security to provide state and local governments with cybersecurity through DNS for free.
02 September 2020

Why Kubernetes Clusters Are Intrinsically Insecure (& What to Do About Them)

By following best practices and prioritizing critical issues, you can reduce the chances of a security breach and constrain the blast radius of an attempted attack. Here's how.
02 September 2020