Cybersecurity News
Insecure APIs a Growing Risk for Organizations
Security models for application programming interfaces haven't kept pace with requirements of a non-perimeter world, Forrester says.09 November 2020
Microsoft Exchange Attack Exposes New xHunt Backdoors

09 November 2020
Millions of Hotel Guests Worldwide Caught Up in Mass Data Leak

09 November 2020
Preventing and Mitigating DDoS Attacks: It's Elementary
Following a spate of cyberattacks nationwide, school IT teams need to act now to ensure their security solution makes the grade.09 November 2020
A Message from PCI SSC Executive Director Lance Johnson: Vote for the 2021-2022 Board of Advisors
Every two years we ask PCI SSC Participating Organizations to nominate candidates and then vote to elect those whom you believe will best represent the interests of your organization, industry sector or region. It is that time again.
09 November 2020
7 Online Shopping Tips for the Holidays

09 November 2020
Compal, the second-largest laptop manufacturer in the world, hit by ransomware
Compal factories build laptops for Apple, Acer, Lenovo, Dell, Toshiba, HP, and Fujitsu.09 November 2020
Ransomware hits e-commerce platform X-Cart
Company says it has now recovered from the attack and all customer sites are now back up.09 November 2020
Body Found in Canada Identified as Neo-Nazi Spam King
The body of a man found shot inside a burned out vehicle in Canada three years ago has been identified as that of Davis Wolfgang Hawke, a prolific spammer and neo-Nazi who led a failed anti-government march on Washington, D.C. in 1999, according to news reports.08 November 2020
Windows 10, iOS, Chrome, and many others fall at China's top hacking contest
Winning hacker team pockets $744,500 at the Tianfu Cup, China's top hacking contest.08 November 2020
Yahoo Mail discontinues automatic email forwarding for free users
Automatic email forwarding to be discontinued on January 1, 2021. Existing users told to get a Pro account.08 November 2020
FBI: Hackers stole source code from US government agencies and private companies
FBI blames intrusions on improperly configured SonarQube source code management tools.07 November 2020
WordPress Sites Open to Code Injection Attacks via Welcart e-Commerce Bug

06 November 2020
New Gitpaste-12 Botnet Exploits 12 Known Vulnerabilities
Researchers discover a new worm and botnet dubbed Gitpaste-12 for its ability to spread via GitHub and Pastebin.06 November 2020
Feds Seize $1B in Bitcoin from Silk Road

06 November 2020
Apple Patches 24 Vulnerabilities Across Product Lines
The vulnerabilities include three for which exploits have already been seen in the wild.06 November 2020
Campari Site Suffers Ransomware Hangover

06 November 2020
The Oracle-Walmart-TikTok Deal Is Not Enough
The social media deal raises issues involving data custodianship and trusted tech partnerships.06 November 2020
Gitpaste-12 Worm Targets Linux Servers, IoT Devices

06 November 2020
Name That Toon: Masks and Manners

06 November 2020