Cybersecurity News

German authorities charge Russian hacker for 2015 Bundestag hack

The same hacker was previously charged in the US in 2018 for hacking the DNC and WADA.
05 May 2020

Professional data leakage: How did that security vendor get my personal data?

…and why are they selling it to other security vendors and product testers?

The post Professional data leakage: How did that security vendor get my personal data? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

05 May 2020

New Kaiji malware targets IoT devices via SSH brute-force attacks

Researchers say the malware was coded by a Chinese developer for the sole purpose of launching DDoS attacks.
05 May 2020

US financial industry regulator warns of widespread phishing campaign

FINRA warns of phishing campaign aimed at stealing members' Microsoft Office or SharePoint passwords.
04 May 2020

Stay-at-Home Students Offered Lessons to Boost Cybersecurity

Stuck at home with a primary- or secondary-school student? Organizations from professional training groups to national governments are teaming up to offer virtual cybersecurity training for teens -- in some cases, for free.
04 May 2020

Airplane Hack Exposes Weaknesses of Alert and Avoidance Systems

Airplane Hack Exposes Weaknesses of Alert and Avoidance Systems Researchers warn commercial airplane systems can be spoofed impacting flight safety of nearby aircraft.
04 May 2020

SMB Security Catches Up to Large Companies, Data Shows

Small and midsize businesses face issues similar to those of large organizations and have updated security practices to respond with threat hunting, patch management, and dedicated personnel.
04 May 2020

How InfoSec Pros Can Help Healthcare During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How InfoSec Pros Can Help Healthcare During the Coronavirus Pandemic Security pros are banding together to ensure healthcare facilities can focus on saving lives instead of defending against cyber attacks. Here are a few places you can volunteer your services.
04 May 2020

Attackers Exploit SaltStack Flaws to Compromise Open Source OS & Blogging Platform

Intruders gained access to core systems at the Android-based LineageOS project and the Ghost platform.
04 May 2020

Hackers Exploit Critical Flaw in Ghost Platform with Cryptojacking Attack

Hackers Exploit Critical Flaw in Ghost Platform with Cryptojacking Attack Hackers targeted Ghost on Sunday, in a cryptocurrency mining attack that caused widespread outages.
04 May 2020

Zoom Installers Used to Spread WebMonitor RAT

Researchers warn the installers are legitimate but don't come from official sources of the Zoom app, including the Apple App Store and Google Play.
04 May 2020

Government investigates data breach revealing details of 774,000 migrants

Government investigates data breach revealing details of 774,000 migrants

Guardian Australia on Sunday revealed SkillSelect app allowed users to see partial names of applicants for skilled visas

The home affairs and employment departments are investigating a data breach revealing the personal details of 774,000 migrants and people aspiring to migrate to Australia, despite playing down the seriousness of the breach.

On Sunday, Guardian Australia revealed the government’s SkillSelect app allowed users to see unique identifiers of applicants for skilled visas, including partial names, which could then be used through searches with multiple filters to reveal other information about applicants.

Related: Immigrants don't take Australian jobs. They create jobs for others | Jock Collins

Continue reading...
04 May 2020

Academics turn PC power units into speakers to leak secrets from air-gapped systems

POWER-SUPPLaY technique uses "singing capacitor" phenomenon for data exfiltration.
04 May 2020

Microsoft warns of multiple malspam campaigns carrying malicious disk image files

Microsoft: Threat group uses malware-laced ISO and IMG files to infect companies with a remote access trojan.
04 May 2020

Oracle: Unpatched Versions of WebLogic App Server Under Active Attack

Oracle: Unpatched Versions of WebLogic App Server Under Active Attack CVE-2020-2883 was patched in Oracle's April 2020 Critical Patch Update - but proof of concept exploit code was published shortly after.
04 May 2020

Ghost blogging platform servers hacked to mine cryptocurrency

Ghost wasn’t the only victim of break-ins over the weekend that exploited critical holes in infrastructure automation software for which patches were available

The post Ghost blogging platform servers hacked to mine cryptocurrency appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

04 May 2020

The Cybersecurity Hiring Conundrum: Youth vs. Experience

How working together across the spectrum of young to old makes our organizations more secure.
04 May 2020

Beware of Online Skimming Threats During the COVID-19 Crisis

PCI SSC and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce shares guidance and information on protecting against online skimming attacks in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

04 May 2020

7 Tips for Security Pros Patching in a Pandemic

7 Tips for Security Pros Patching in a Pandemic The shift to remote work has worsened patch management challenges and created new ones. Security pros share insights and best practices.
04 May 2020

Hackers are targeting UK universities to steal coronavirus research, NCSC warns

State-sponsored hackers from Russia, Iran, and China are suspected.
04 May 2020