Cybersecurity News

Digital addiction: How to get your children off their screens

What are some of the common signs that your child may be a screen addict and what can you do to limit their screen time?

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13 February 2020

Gaza group strikes targets in Palestinian territories in new cyberattack wave

The campaign is focused on cyberespionage and may be politically motivated.
13 February 2020

Third-Party Breaches - and the Number of Records Exposed - Increased Sharply in 2019

Each breach exposed an average of 13 million records, Risk Based Security found.
12 February 2020

Florida county election office hit by ransomware before 2016 presidential election

Ransomware incident was kept secret and never reported, current county election supervisor says.
12 February 2020

Avast Under Investigation by Czech Privacy Agency

The software security maker is suspected of selling data about more than 100 million users to companies including Google, Microsoft, and Home Depot.
12 February 2020

FBI: Business Email Compromise Cost Businesses $1.7B in 2019

BEC attacks comprised nearly half of cybercrime losses last year, which totaled $3.5 billion overall as Internet-enabled crimes ramped up.
12 February 2020

Mozilla Firefox 73 Browser Update Fixes High-Severity RCE Bugs

Mozilla Firefox 73 Browser Update Fixes High-Severity RCE Bugs The release of Firefox 73 fixed high-severity memory safety bugs that could cause arbitrary code execution and missing bounds check that could enable memory corruption.
12 February 2020

Stop Defending Everything

Instead, try prioritizing with the aid of a thorough asset inventory.
12 February 2020

SoundCloud Tackles DoS, Account Takeover Issues

SoundCloud Tackles DoS, Account Takeover Issues Among other issues, the music platform didn't limit the number of login attempts someone could make.
12 February 2020

5G Adoption Should Change How Organizations Approach Security

With 5G adoption, businesses will be able to power more IoT devices and perform tasks more quickly, but there will be security ramifications.
12 February 2020

Chaos & Order: The Keys to Quantum-Proof Encryption

Chaos & Order: The Keys to Quantum-Proof Encryption The implications of chaos form the basis of a new approach to encryption that promises quantum-proof perfect secrecy. But first, your current crypto needs some tidying up.
12 February 2020

Chaos May Be the Key to Quantum-Proof Encryption

Chaos May Be the Key to Quantum-Proof Encryption The implications of chaos form the basis of a new approach to encryption that promises quantum-proof perfect secrecy.
12 February 2020

5 Common Errors That Allow Attackers to Go Undetected

Make these mistakes and invaders might linger in your systems for years.
12 February 2020

Katie Moussouris: The Bug Bounty Conflict of Interest

Katie Moussouris: The Bug Bounty Conflict of Interest Katie Moussouris sounds off on the challenges behind creating successful bug bounty programs.
12 February 2020

Report to Your Management with the Definitive ‘IR Management and Reporting’ Presentation Template

Report to Your Management with the Definitive ‘IR Management and Reporting’ Presentation Template The IR Management and Reporting Template attempt to assist the CISO – not only perform a top edge response to cyberattacks but also ensure that this professional and critical work is understood and acknowledged.
12 February 2020

Apple joins FIDO Alliance, commits to getting rid of passwords

Passwords are a notorious security mess. The FIDO Alliance wants to replace them with better, more secure technology and now Apple is it them in this effort.
12 February 2020

FBI: $3.5B Lost in 2019 to Known Cyberscams, Ransomware

FBI: $3.5B Lost in 2019 to Known Cyberscams, Ransomware Cybercriminals double down on successful internet scams, with a focus on phishing, BEC and other defrauding schemes that have proven to work.
12 February 2020

Average tenure of a CISO is just 26 months due to high stress and burnout

Report: The vast majority of interviewed CISO executives (88%) report high levels of stress, a third report stress-caused physical health issues, half report mental health issues.
12 February 2020

Intel warns of critical security flaw in CSME engine, issues discontinued product notices

The CSME system is subject to a severe bug leading to a host of different exploits.
12 February 2020

Adobe squashes 35 critical vulnerabilities in security patch update

Arbitrary code execution issues have eclipsed other security problems in February’s patch round.
12 February 2020