Cybersecurity News

Coronavirus Raises New Business Continuity, Phishing Challenges for InfoSec

Coronavirus Raises New Business Continuity, Phishing Challenges for InfoSec What happens when understaffed security teams at home and abroad are sequestered in physical quarantine zones?
13 February 2020

DDoS Attacks Nearly Double Between Q4 2018 and Q4 2019

Peer-to-peer botnets, TCP reflection attacks, and increased activity on Sundays are three DDoS attack trends from last quarter.
13 February 2020

Architectural Analysis IDs 78 Specific Risks in Machine-Learning Systems

The new threat model hones in on ML security at the design state.
13 February 2020

Babel of IoT Authentication Poses Security Challenges

With more than 80 different schemes for authenticating devices either proposed or implemented, best practices and reference architectures are sorely needed, experts say.
13 February 2020

Critical WordPress Plugin Bug Afflicts 700K Sites

Critical WordPress Plugin Bug Afflicts 700K Sites Researchers are urging users of the GDPR Cookie Consent WordPress plugin to update as soon as possible.
13 February 2020

FBI: Cybercrime losses tripled over the last 5 years

On the upside, the Bureau recovered more than US$300 million in funds lost to online scams last year

The post FBI: Cybercrime losses tripled over the last 5 years appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

13 February 2020

Huawei Charged with RICO Violations in Federal Court

A new set of indictments adds conspiracy to violate RICO statutes to a list of existing charges against the Chinese telecommunications giant.
13 February 2020

7 Tax Season Security Tips

7 Tax Season Security Tips Security pros need be on high alert from now until Tax Day on April 15. Here are seven ways to help keep your company safe.
13 February 2020

Small Business Security: 5 Tips on How and Where to Start

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for security, but a robust plan and the implementation of new technologies will help you and your IT team sleep better.
13 February 2020

US charges Huawei with racketeering and conspiracy to steal trade secrets

US updates charges against Huawei, adds racketeering and IP theft allegations against the Chinese telco provider and its CFO.
13 February 2020

Apps Remain Favorite Mobile Attack Vector

Mobile apps are used in nearly 80% of attacks targeting mobile devices, followed by network and operating system attacks.
13 February 2020

Privacy Experts Skeptical of Proposed Data Protection Agency

Privacy Experts Skeptical of Proposed Data Protection Agency A new Data Protection Agency would overhaul federal regulation efforts around data privacy - but experts are skeptical that the U.S. government can get it right.
13 February 2020

Almost 2 billion malware installs thwarted by Google Play Protect in 2019

That’s for apps from third-party marketplaces; another 790,000 policy-breaking apps were stopped from reaching Google Play

The post Almost 2 billion malware installs thwarted by Google Play Protect in 2019 appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

13 February 2020

Forget Hacks... Ransomware, Phishing Are Election Year's Real Threats

As we gear up for the voting season, let's put aside any links between foreign interference and voting machine security and focus on the actual risks threatening election security.
13 February 2020

Puerto Rico Gov Hit By $2.6M Phishing Scam

Puerto Rico Gov Hit By $2.6M Phishing Scam A recent phishing scam targeted Puerto Rico’s Industrial Development Company.
13 February 2020

Critical XSS vulnerability patched in WordPress plugin GDPR Cookie Consent

The plugin is actively installed on over 700,000 websites.
13 February 2020

Google removes 500+ malicious Chrome extensions from the Web Store

A network of malicious Chrome extensions was injecting malicious ads in millions of Chrome installs.
13 February 2020

MIT researchers disclose vulnerabilities in Voatz mobile voting election app

Researchers say Voatz security flaws could allow someone to alter, stop, or expose how an individual user has voted.
13 February 2020

Loda Trojan revitalized with stealthy upgrade, new exploits

The RAT has graduated from infancy and is fast becoming a threat that should be taken seriously.
13 February 2020

Google: Efforts Against Bad Android Apps on Play Store Are Working

Google: Efforts Against Bad Android Apps on Play Store Are Working The tech giant acknowledged some achievements in efforts to bolster mobile app security but recognized more needs to be done.
13 February 2020