Cybersecurity News

New 'Spectra' attack breaks the separation between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Technical details to be presented in August at the Black Hat 2020 security conference.
21 May 2020

Web Scrapers Have Bigger-Than-Perceived Impact on Digital Businesses

The economic impact of bot traffic can be unexpectedly substantial, a PerimeterX-commissioned study finds.
21 May 2020

Telcos Become Richer Hacking Targets

The shift of moving telecommunications networks toward more commercial networking equipment and systems also expanded their attack surface.
21 May 2020

Hackers Serve Up Stolen Credentials from Home Chef

Some 8 million of the meal delivery company's customer records have been offered for sale on the Dark Web.
21 May 2020

Long Tail Analysis: A New Hope in the Cybercrime Battle

Long Tail Analysis: A New Hope in the Cybercrime Battle Looking for niche anomalies in an automated way with AI and machine learning is the future.
21 May 2020

RSA Conference moves 2021 event from February to May

RSA plays it safe for 2021 after ignoring COVID-19 warnings earlier this year and getting at least two attendees infected.
21 May 2020

How an Industry Consortium Can Reinvent Security Solution Testing

By committing to independent testing to determine value, vendors will ensure that their products do what they say they do.
21 May 2020

Request for Comments: Secure Software Standard Update: Draft Terminal Software Module


From 21 May to 22 June 2020, PCI SSC stakeholders can participate in a Request for Comments (RFC) on Secure Software Standard Update: Draft Terminal Software Module.

21 May 2020

Hackers tried (and failed) to install ransomware using a zero-day in Sophos firewalls

Sophos acted quickly to put out a patch that stopped the hackers' attempts to deploy ransomware on enterprise networks protected by Sophos firewall devices.
21 May 2020

Critical Cisco Bug in Unified CCX Allows Remote Code Execution

Critical Cisco Bug in Unified CCX Allows Remote Code Execution Cisco has fixed a critical remote code-execution flaw in its popular customer interaction management solution.
21 May 2020

Silent Night Banking Trojan Charges Top Dollar on the Underground

Silent Night Banking Trojan Charges Top Dollar on the Underground The malware-as-a-service is advanced, obfuscated and modular -- and built for mass campaigns.
21 May 2020

Chrome 83 arrives with enhanced security and privacy controls

New features include DNS over HTTPS, a Safety Check section and simpler cookie management

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21 May 2020

The Need for Compliance in a Post-COVID-19 World

With the current upheaval, business leaders may lose focus and push off implementing security measures, managing risk, and keeping up with compliance requirements. That's a big mistake.
21 May 2020

Most Bluetooth Devices Vulnerable to Impersonation Attacks

Vulnerabilities in the Bluetooth authentication process give attackers a way to insert rogue devices between two securely paired devices, academic researchers find.
21 May 2020

Supreme Court Phish Targets Office 365 Credentials

Supreme Court Phish Targets Office 365 Credentials Cybercriminals are hunting out victims' Office 365 credentials -- by dishing out Supreme court "summons" in a phishing attack.
21 May 2020

Crooks Tap Google Firebase in Fresh Phishing Tactic

Crooks Tap Google Firebase in Fresh Phishing Tactic Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the Google name and the cloud to convince victims into handing over their login details.
21 May 2020

Thousands of Israeli sites defaced with code seeking permission to access users' webcams

The hacks have been linked back to a local Israeli WordPress hosting provider.
21 May 2020

Japan investigates potential leak of prototype missile data in Mitsubishi hack

The country is analyzing how such a leak could impact national security.
21 May 2020

Centralized Contact Tracing Raises Concerns Among Privacy-Conscious Citizens

The long debate over whether encryption and anonymity shield too much criminal behavior also has staged a resurgence.
21 May 2020

No “Game over” for the Winnti Group

The notorious APT group continues to play the video game industry with yet another backdoor

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21 May 2020