Cybersecurity News

FCC Designates Huawei & ZTE as National Security Threats

Backdoors in 5G network equipment from these vendors could enable espionage and malicious activity, agency says.
30 June 2020

Attackers Will Target Critical PAN-OS Flaw, Security Experts Warn

After Palo Alto Networks alerted users to a simple-to-exploit vulnerability in its network security gear, security agencies quickly warn that attackers won't wait to jump on it.
30 June 2020

Verizon Media, PayPal, Twitter Top Bug-Bounty Rankings

Verizon Media, PayPal, Twitter Top Bug-Bounty Rankings Verizon Media has paid nearly $10 million to ethical hackers via HackerOne's platform.
30 June 2020

EvilQuest Mac Ransomware Has Keylogger, Crypto Wallet-Stealing Abilities

EvilQuest Mac Ransomware Has Keylogger, Crypto Wallet-Stealing Abilities A rare, new Mac ransomware has been discovered spreading via pirated software packages.
30 June 2020

DDoS Attacks Jump 542% from Q4 2019 to Q1 2020

The shift to remote work and heavy reliance on online services has driven an increase in attacks intended to overwhelm ISPs.
30 June 2020

Don't Slow Cybersecurity Spending: Steer into the Skid with a Tight Business Plan

We all know there are slippery conditions ahead, which is why it's never been more important for organizations to maintain and even increase their spending on cybersecurity.
30 June 2020

StrongPity APT Back with Kurdish-Aimed Watering Hole Attacks

StrongPity APT Back with Kurdish-Aimed Watering Hole Attacks The spy malware is being delivered via a complex infrastructure with multiple layers, in an effort to avoid analysis.
30 June 2020

CISA Issues Advisory on Home Routers

The increase in work-from-home employees raises the importance of home router security.
30 June 2020

UCSF Pays $1.14M After NetWalker Ransomware Attack

UCSF Pays $1.14M After NetWalker Ransomware Attack UCSF has paid more than $1 million after a ransomware attack encrypted data related to "important" academic research on several servers.
30 June 2020

New EvilQuest ransomware discovered targeting macOS users

EvilQuest ransomware encrypts macOS systems but also installs a keylogger and a reverse shell for full control over infected hosts.
30 June 2020

Profile of the Post-Pandemic CISO

Profile of the Post-Pandemic CISO Projects that were high priorities before the COVID-19 outbreak have taken a back seat to new business needs. For security leaders that has meant new responsibilities that could very well stick around in the pandemic's aftermath.
30 June 2020

COVID-19 ‘Breach Bubble’ Waiting to Pop?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it harder for banks to trace the source of payment card data stolen from smaller, hacked online merchants. On the plus side, months of quarantine have massively decreased demand for account information that thieves buy and use to create physical counterfeit credit cards. But fraud experts say recent developments suggest both trends are about to change -- and likely for the worse.
30 June 2020

3 Ways to Flatten the Health Data Hacking Curve

With more people working from home, health data security is more challenging but vitally important. These tips can help safeguard healthcare data.
30 June 2020

3 Years After NotPetya, Many Organizations Still in Danger of Similar Attacks

The same gaps that enabled ransomware to spread remain in patching, network segmentation, backup practices, security experts say.
30 June 2020

CISA: Nation-State Attackers Likely to Exploit Palo Alto Networks Bug

CISA: Nation-State Attackers Likely to Exploit Palo Alto Networks Bug An authentication-bypass vulnerability allows attackers to access network assets without credentials when SAML is enabled on certain firewalls and enterprise VPNs.
30 June 2020

How to Safeguard Data When the Majority of Your Workforce is Remote

How to Safeguard Data When the Majority of Your Workforce is Remote More employees working remotely most likely means an increased reliance on cloud services and applications.
30 June 2020

Promethium APT attacks surge, new Trojanized installers uncovered

The hacking group behind StrongPity is ignoring constant exposure by researchers in its quest for global intelligence and surveillance.
30 June 2020

University of California SF pays ransomware hackers $1.14 million to salvage research

The malware infected crucial research stored in the UCSF medical school’s network.
30 June 2020

The more cybersecurity tools an enterprise deploys, the less effective their defense is

New research highlights how throwing money indiscriminately at security doesn’t guarantee results.
30 June 2020

Google removes 25 Android apps caught stealing Facebook credentials

The malicious apps were downloaded more than 2.34 million times.
30 June 2020