Cybersecurity News

DDoS Botnets Are Entrenched in Asia & Amplification Attacks Set Records

China, Vietnam, and Taiwan are top sources of DDoS botnet activity, but the top data floods use a variety of amplification attacks, a report finds.
21 July 2020

Emotet Returns in Malspam Attacks Dropping TrickBot, QakBot

Emotet Returns in Malspam Attacks Dropping TrickBot, QakBot Emotet has resurfaced after a five-month hiatus, with more than 250,000 malspam messages being sent to email recipients worldwide.
21 July 2020

The State of Hacktivism in 2020

Activism via hacking might not be as noisy as it once was, but it hasn't been silenced yet.
21 July 2020

US Indicts 2 Chinese Nationals for Stealing IP & Business Secrets, Including COVID-19 Research

Pair working on behalf of themselves and China's Ministry of State Security, Justice Department says.
21 July 2020

Microsoft 365 Updated with New Security, Risk, Compliance Tools

Microsoft 365 Updated with New Security, Risk, Compliance Tools Updates built for remote employees include an endpoint data loss prevention platform, insider risk management, and double key encryption.
21 July 2020

Fortinet Buys Cloud Security Firm OPAQ

The company plans to add zero-trust networking capabilities to its Secure Access Service Edge architecture.
21 July 2020

Chris Vickery: AI Will Drive Tomorrow’s Data Breaches

Chris Vickery: AI Will Drive Tomorrow’s Data Breaches Chris Vickery talks about his craziest data breach discoveries and why "vishing" is the next top threat no one's ready for.
21 July 2020

The Data Privacy Loophole Federal Agencies Are Still Missing

Why knowledge-based authentication is leaving federal contact centers vulnerable to an increasingly sophisticated hacker community.
21 July 2020

Argentine telecom company hit by major ransomware attack

Telecom Argentina says it has contained the attack and regained access to its systems without paying up

The post Argentine telecom company hit by major ransomware attack appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

21 July 2020

G Suite Security Updates Bring New Features to Gmail, Meet & Chat

New security features include support for a new standard in Gmail, phishing protection in Chat, and additional admin controls.
21 July 2020

Critical Adobe Photoshop Flaws Patched in Emergency Update

Critical Adobe Photoshop Flaws Patched in Emergency Update Adobe issued out-of-band patches for critical flaws tied to 12 CVEs in Photoshop and other applications.
21 July 2020

Microsoft Double Key Encryption enters public preview

Microsoft rolls out public preview of a new data encryption feature specifically designed for companies in highly-regulated environments, such as financial services and healthcare.
21 July 2020

Leading Through Uncertainty: Be Proactive in Your Dark Web Intelligence Strategy

Having a strong Dark Web intelligence posture helps security teams understand emerging vulnerability trends.
21 July 2020

Diebold ATM Terminals Jackpotted Using Machine’s Own Software

Diebold ATM Terminals Jackpotted Using Machine’s Own Software The company warned that cybercriminals are using a black box with proprietary code in attacks to illegally dispense cash across Europe.
21 July 2020

Twitter hack: Coinbase blocks $280,000 in Bitcoin theft

Cryptocurrency exchanges did their part in preventing customers from being scammed.
21 July 2020

Fortinet snaps up OPAQ in secure access, cloud security push

The company says remote working trends are making zero trust access to networks even more critical.
21 July 2020

Twitter Breach Highlights Privileged Account Security Issue

Security incident that allowed attackers to hijack high-profile accounts suggests social media giant's controls for spotting insider abuse were not strong enough, security experts say.
20 July 2020

Internet Scan Shows Decline in Insecure Network Services

While telnet, rsync, and SMB, exposure surprisingly have dropped, proper patching and encryption adoption remain weak worldwide.
20 July 2020

SIGRed: What You Should Know About the Windows DNS Server Bug

DNS experts share their thoughts on the wormable vulnerability and explain why it should be a high priority for businesses.
20 July 2020

Number of Reported Breaches Decrease In First Half of 2020

With the pandemic as a backdrop, publicly reported US data breaches dropped as more employees and suppliers stayed home.
20 July 2020