Cybersecurity News

Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules

Instagram Retained Deleted User Data Despite GDPR Rules The photo-sharing app retained people’s photos and private direct messages on its servers even after users removed them.
14 August 2020

Mac malware spreads through Xcode projects, abuses WebKit, Data Vault vulnerabilities

XCSSET malware focuses on exploiting Safari and other browsers.
14 August 2020

CactusPete hackers go on European rampage with Bisonal backdoor upgrade

The APT is attacking banks and military organizations in Eastern Europe.
14 August 2020

A simple telephony honeypot received 1.5 million robocalls across 11 months

Researchers say that most campaigns take place in short-burst storms and that answering a robocall doesn't mean you'll be targeted more often in the future.
14 August 2020


Ransomware is a special type of malware. Once it infected your computer, it encrypts all of your files and demands you pay a ransome if you want your files back. Be suspicious of any emails trying to trick you into opening infected attachments or click on malicious links, common sense is your best defense. In addition. backups are often the only way you can recover from ransomware.
14 August 2020

NSA, FBI Warn of Linux Malware Used in Espionage Attacks

NSA, FBI Warn of Linux Malware Used in Espionage Attacks A never before seen malware has been used for espionage purposes via Linux systems, warn the NSA and FBI in a joint advisory.
13 August 2020

CISA Warns of Phishing Campaign with Loan-Relief Lure

Phishing emails and fake website promise help with the Small Business Administration's program that aids those affected by COVID-19.
13 August 2020

Healthcare Industry Sees Respite From Attacks in First Half of 2020

Healthcare Industry Sees Respite From Attacks in First Half of 2020 Breach disclosures are down, and reported ransomware attacks have also plummeted. Good news -- or a calm before the storm?
13 August 2020

Business Email Compromise Attacks Involving MFA Bypass Increase

Adversaries are using legacy email clients to access and take over accounts protected with strong authentication, Abnormal Security says.
13 August 2020

CactusPete APT Hones Toolset, Resurfaces with New Espionage Targets

CactusPete APT Hones Toolset, Resurfaces with New Espionage Targets The APT is becoming more sophisticated over time.
13 August 2020

RedCurl APT Group Hacks Global Companies for Corporate Espionage

Researchers analyze a presumably Russian-speaking APT group that has been stealing corporate data since 2018.
13 August 2020

The Race to Hack a Satellite at DEF CON

The Race to Hack a Satellite at DEF CON Eight teams competed to win cash, bragging rights, and the chance to control a satellite in space.
13 August 2020

Boeing's DEF CON Debut a Sign of the Times

In the wake of a stalemate between the airplane manufacturer and a security researcher over vulns found in its 787 aircraft's network, Boeing says it's ready to "embrace" the hacker community.
13 August 2020

Secure Development Takes a (Remote) Village

The shift to work from home isn't just about giving your Dev team the physical tools they need.
13 August 2020

NSA & FBI Disclose New Russian Cyberespionage Malware

APT 28, aka Fancy Bear, is deploying the Drovorub malware designed for Linux systems as part of cyber-espionage operations.
13 August 2020

Zoom Faces More Legal Challenges Over End-to-End Encryption

Zoom Faces More Legal Challenges Over End-to-End Encryption The video-conferencing specialist has yet to roll out full encryption, but it says it's working on it.
13 August 2020

FBI and NSA expose new Linux malware Drovorub, used by Russian state hackers

The FBI and NSA issue joint security alert containing technical details about new Linux malware developed by Russia's military hackers.
13 August 2020

New Global Threat Landscape Report Reveals ‘Unprecedented’ Cyberattacks

New Global Threat Landscape Report Reveals ‘Unprecedented’ Cyberattacks Fortinet's recently released Global Threat Landscape Report shows how the perimeter is extending to the home in the first half of 2020 - and what that means for cybercrime.
13 August 2020

Black Hat USA 2020 Shines Spotlight on the Mental Challenges of Cybersecurity

Infosec practitioners face a variety of mental struggles in areas such as awareness training, problem solving, or general mental health. Several sessions at Black Hat USA 2020 highlighted these challenges and how to overcome them.
13 August 2020

PCI SSC Offers Informational Training via New eLearning Platform


PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has adopted a new eLearning platform to move all informational and certification programs online. With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council took important steps earlier this year to protect the health and safety of all involved by canceling face-to-face, instructor-led training courses for the remainder of the calendar year.

13 August 2020